Question: Numerator and denominator not in lowest terms

How do I get Maple to display the result in lowest terms?  Maple is multiplying the numerator and denominator by 10000.  The answer is correct, but how do I prevent the numbers from being multiplied by 10000?  Do I have a setting or preference set incorrectly?


> eqn1 := eqn1;
                0.6907 x3 + 0.3336 y3 + 0.6415 z3 - 2.203 = 0
> eqn2 := eqn2;
                   cos(theta) x3 + sin(theta) y3 - 1. = 0
> x3 := solve(eqn2, x3);
                            1. (sin(theta) y3 - 1.)
                          - -----------------------
> y3 := solve(eqn1, y3);
             1. (6907. + 6415. z3 cos(theta) - 22030. cos(theta))
           - ----------------------------------------------------
                     -6907. sin(theta) + 3336. cos(theta)       


Thanks for your help!

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