Question: Colourfu maple figures in latexl

Hello all, I have been trying to include maple output graphs into latex, I converted the output to eps and to gif, with eps I can not compile my tex to pdf, it says file not found but the same tex file can be compiled to dvi without any problem. the problem with eps is that they are gray images while I want to include the colourful maple graph. I used epstopdf package to let latex convert the eps to pdf format then include the pdf image but compiling the tex file to pdf gives the error : epstopdf..disabled image.pdf not found, of course it can not find image.pdf because the epstopdf package is for some reasons disabled and compiling it to dvi gives a colourful image but the image takes almost a whole page so not nice, not in the size and place I want to show it. Can anyone have an idea about how to include images like gif to tex file that can be compiled to correctly to pdf. Thanks to all
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