Question: Newton's basins of attraction

why when men talk about graphing newton's basins of attraction they always give complex exaples . For the real polynomials we have the same idea for example the polynomial : f(x) = x^3 + 2*x^2 - x -2 this has 3 real roots 1, -1, -2 and of course we have some intial x0 makes newton formula converge and other not so we will have basins. or for x^3 - 1 which has 3 mix of real and complex roots. Can you please help me in writing a maple program that create the graph of newton's basin for such real polynomials? and If you think that my idea is not correct can you please provide me with a maple program that create the basins for a complex polynomial so that I maybe can modify it for the real ones?. Thanks in advance.
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