Question: EASY question on error message

Dear all! I don't use Maple very regularly and have come across the following error message: "Error, (in content/polynom) general case of floats not handled" This error message occurs when I try to differentiate a fairly simple function of one variable and various constants. The curious thing is the following (and that's probably crucial to the problem): when the constant d equals 1 (see attached file), Maple does the derivation without any problems. As soon as it is a decimal number (e.g. 0.9) the error message occurs (note: d is always smaller or equal to 1). Plus, when d is a decimal number all functions in my worksheet increase considerably in size. Maple doesn't seem to fully simplify them. I guess, this is the source of the problem. Thank you very much for your help! It is very much appreciated. Kind regards Florian View 5919_Max on MapleNet or Download 5919_Max
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