Question: How do I plot Cos(w*t) in frequency domain?

Hi, I'm trying to plot a simple function of K*Cos(w1*t)+K*Cos(W2*t)+K*Cos(W3*t) in frequency domain using Maple. Y-axis can be the amplitude and X-axis is frequency domain in radian. I could use Fourier transform to conver the time domain to frequency domain function. But, Since the w1, w2, and w3 are undefined values, I don't know how I could draw it in symbolc way in frequency domain. Here is my assumption for w1, w2, and w3. w2-w1 not equal to w3-w2 They could certain frequencies in positive. K is a positive constant. I expect a plot as following:
          |       |     |   |
          |       |     |   |
----------|-------w1----w2--w3----------> w [Rad/sec]
As seen, w1, w2, and w3 has a different interval and Dirac pulse at w1, w2 and w3 domain with an amplitude of K. I have no idea how I could implement this symbolic plot in Maple. Should I use some assumption statement? or programming?? Please help. Thanks,
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