Question: limits of a subsequences

I am trying to use maple to find the limit of a subsequence, but what I've tried hasn't worked

For example define Maple Equation. Then using maple

Maple Equation = Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation = Maple Equation

Maple Equation = Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation = Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation = Maple Equation

Maple Equation

The sequence by visual inspection has subsequences that converge to Maple Equation.

Maple Equation

I thought using limit in conjunction with assuming would work, however

Maple Equation = Maple Equation

Maple Equation = Maple Equation

Maple Equation

If anyone knows how to use maple to take the limit of a subsequence let me know.

Maple Equation

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