Question: plotting list-valued procedures

I have a function (procedure) of one real variable that returns a list of 2 real numberssay f(x)=[y1,y2].  The procedure involves a lot of looping, so it's a little slow.  My questions regards efficiently plotting this function.  y1 and y2 typically differ widely, so plotting both outputs on the same plot renders the smaller one useless (essentially looks like the zero function).  (I.e. plot(f(x),x=0..10)).  But if I use 2 distinct plot commands, the procedure seems to run twice and take twice as long (I.e. plot(f(x)[1],x=0..10); plot(f(x)[2],x=0..10);).  Is there a way to get maple to plot 2 distinct graphs from one turn through the procedure?

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