Question: Coupled differential equation

Can I solve the following two coupled differential equations instead of the previous one in Maple 13?

 with plots

Eq[1]:=3*f(eta)*(diff(f(eta), `$`(eta, 2)))-2*(diff(f(eta), eta))^2+3*g(eta)

Eq[2]:=(diff(g(eta), `$`(eta, 2)))/Pr+f(eta)*(diff(g(eta), eta))

BCs := [f(0), (D(f))(0), g(0)-1, g(25)]

pars := {Pr = 1}

for i to 2 do eq[i] := subs(pars, Eq[i]) end do

eqs := eq[1], eq[2]

vars := f(eta), g(eta)

bcs := op(subs(pars, BCs))

sol := dsolve({bcs, eqs}, {vars}, type = numeric, output = array([seq(i, i = 0 .. 25)]))


Maple is saying :Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) system is singular at left endpoint, use midpoint method instead

When I used midpoint method :

sol := dsolve({bcs, eqs}, {vars}, type = numeric, method = bvp[midrich], output = array([seq(i, i = 0 .. 25)]))


Maple is saying: Error, (in dsolve/numeric/BVPSolve) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: 0 < ceil((Float(undefined)+Float(undefined)*I)/ln(10))


These two coupled equations are approximate equations for low values of Prandtl no. Can you help me to solve this differential equation.

If you can I shall be thankful to you.


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