MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by

I tried using 'maple tag' but the preview came out bad. So here's a clipboard copy of my maple code:

> f := proc (x, d) options operator, arrow; (1/4)*Pi*x^6-(3/5)*Pi*x^5+(1/60)*(30*x^3-72*x^2+80)*arctan(d/sqrt(x^2-d^2))*x^3+(2/3)*Pi*x^3+(1/60)*d*sqrt(x^2-d^2)*(16*d^4+x*(8*x-27)*d^2+2*x(3*x^3-9*x^2+20))-(1/60)*d(27*d^2-40)^3*log(x+sqrt(x^2-d^2)) end proc;
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder

I tried

taylor(f(x,d),x=0,d=0,4) but it didn't work. How do I do this?

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