Daniel Cheslo

140 Reputation

3 Badges

7 years, 138 days

MaplePrimes Activity

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Are you a broke university or college student, living day to day, sustaining yourself on a package of ramen noodles every day? Scared that you’re missing necessary nutrients? Well this is the Maple application for you!

This app, refurbished and modified to fit the budget and nutritional needs of a student, based on this older app: https://www.mapleprimes.com/maplesoftblog/34983-The-Diet-Problem, takes a list of more than 20 foods, and based on nutritional and budget constraints that you choose and can change, will give you the cheapest option for foods that fits your needs!

Maybe you’re not a broke student, but rather someone who wants to keep track of calorie intake or macronutrient intake on a daily basis, well then this app still works for you!

Find it here:

As a powerlifter, I constantly find myself calculating my total between my competition lifts, bench, squat, and deadlift. Following that, I always end up calculating my wilks score. The wilks score is a score used to compare lifters between weight classes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilks_Coefficient ), as comparing someone who weighs 59kg in competition like me, to someone who weighs 120kg+, the other end of the spectrum; obviously the 120kg+ lifter is going to massively out-lift me.

So I decided to program a wilks calculator for quick use, rather than needing to go search for one on the internet. For anyone curious about specific scoring, a score of 300+ is very strong for the average gym goer, and is about normal for a powerlifter. A score of 400+ makes you strong for a powerlifter, putting you in the top 250 powerlifters, while 500+ is the very top, as far as unequipped powerlifting goes, including the top 30. For anyone wondering, my best score at my best meet was 390, although given the progress I’ve made in the gym, should be above 400 by my next meet.

Hope you all enjoy!

 Find it here: https://maple.cloud#doc=5687076260413440&key=301A440EFD2C4EDD8480D60B5E3147BF40CA460F842942449C939AB8D2E7D679

So my latest project was a focus on the utilisation of the Readability command in StringTools, and was used to determine how "readable", or easy to understand, some of the past presidents were. 

This program takes the Farewell Addresses of some of the past presidents (seen here), and using the Readability command included in the StringTools package, calculates the readability of the various Addresses using multiple methods, as will be outlined below. It then takes the different scores, and plots them on a heat map, to show how each president compares to one another.

As we can see from the heat map, Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan seem to be the most readable overall, throughout all the methods. Whether this is a good thing or not, is really up to your interpretation. Is using bigger words a bad thing? 

George Washington and Andrew Jackson have the worst readabiltiy scores, although this is probably in part due to the era of the addresses, and the change in language we've had since then.

Download the application here: https://www.maplesoft.com/applications/view.aspx?SID=154353 

As my first project as a Junior Applications Developer, I set out to learn to code in the best way I know how, by doing.  I ended up picking what was probably one of the hardest options I could pick, namely to replicate the sliding puzzle game, 2048. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2048_(video_game) ) Of course I didn’t realize how hard it would be at the time, but after spending the first week alone working on the logic, I had already dug my hole.

2048, the sliding puzzle game, basically starts with a 4x4 grid filled with zeros. As you swipe the grid, values move toward one of the up, down, left or right sides. With every subsequent swipe, a randomly placed value of 2 or 4 is added to the grid. Any neighbouring matching values in the direction of the swipe are added to one another. This was done by swiping 2 tiles of equal value into each other, creating a new tile with double the value. Two 2 tiles became a 4, two 4’s an 8, and so on.

The goal? To create a 2048 tile.

Overall the logic was probably the most challenging part of my task, once the framework was set. . The logic consisted of many if statements that made the numbers “slide” properly, ie not combining with another number. This was probably the hardest part. Troubleshooting and allowing for all the possible conditions also proved difficult. However, the user interface was probably the toughest part, figuring out the labels, making everything display correctly, and programming all the buttons to not break. That was fun.

Anyway, it was a really fun project to work on, and I’m extremely happy for how it turned out, and I hope you enjoy playing it, as much as I did making it!

You can try it out here:


So I have recently finished up a project that took different sounds found in nature, and through the Spectrogram command, plotted the frequency of each sound over time with some really cool results!


The contrast between sounds produced by the weather such as tornadoes, thunder, and hail versus something as innocuous as a buzzing bee, a chorus of crickets, or a purring cat really shows the variance in the different sounds we hear in our day to day life, while also creating some very interesting imagery.

My personal favourite was the cricket chorus, producing a very ordered image with some really cool spikes through many different frequencies as the crickets chirped, as shown here:

Using this plot, we can do some interesting things, like count the number of chirps in 8 seconds, which turns out to be 18-18.5. Why Is this important? Well, there’s a law known as Dolbear’s Law(shown here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolbear%27s_law)  which uses the number of chirps in a minute for Fahrenheit, or 8 seconds for Celsius to calculate the temperature. Celsius is very simple, and just requires adding 5 to the number of chirps in 8 seconds, which gets us a temperature of 23C.

Tc= 5 + N8

For Fahrenheit, it’s a bit more complicated, as we need the chirps in a minute. This is around 132 chirps in our case. Putting that into the formula:

TF= 50 +((N60 – 40)/4)

Which gets us 73F, or 22.7C, so you can see that it works pretty well! Pretty cool, huh?


There was also some really cool images that were produced, like the thunder plot:

Which I personally really like due to the contrasting black and yellow spike that occurs. Overall this was a very fun project to do, getting to tweak the different colours and scales of each spectrogram, creating a story out of a sound. Hope you all enjoy it!

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