joseph smith

68 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 0 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by joseph smith

g := x -> x^3+x^2-3*x; h := 0.01; x := 1; yaydone := (g(x+h)-g(x-h))/(2*(h)); OK, I did some poking through my book, and it shows how to solve for the first derivative using the Central Difference method, it actually took me quite a while to get this formula going. This will solve for the first derivative using the Central Difference Method. I didn’t understand the book at first and thought I was supposed to use The Derivative of g(1+h) minus The Derivative of g(1-h). This really had me boggled. So now I am able to solve for the first derivative using the Central Difference Method My question is how to solve for the second & third derivative. My book has no examples for solving for anything other than the first derivative. Thanks so much for the help guys, I truly do appreciate it and I truly hate the book that I got to learn from
I have a table of data that displays salaries for different jobs and how they have changed over the years. I figure that interpolation would be the best way to fill in the blanks, but im not sure of the correct syntax to accomplish this in maple, I tried using splines but i just couldnt find a suitable example in the help documentation. YEAR| 1975| 1980| 1985| 1990| 1995 ---------------------------------- job1| 7843|11314| ??? |17820|21431 ---------------------------------- job2| 8388|12409| ??? |20694|28362 ---------------------------------- job3|12332|18075| ??? |31112|36980
other post I am trying to solve the following problem and many others like it but showing how to do it step by step. f := [z = (1+y+y^2-y^3)/(1-y)^3] I am to pick a value for z between 0.601 and 0.899, I chose 0.8 since its as close to a solid number as I could get. z := `0.8` eval(f) z := 0.8 eval(f) hmmm still not solving or breaking down the problem, just showing my the problem with 0.8 in place of z solve(f)
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