Wil Johnson

29 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 183 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Wil Johnson

How do I use maple 11 to solve the following problem? I am trying to upload my graph however the system is not allowing me to do so. Any pointers? The question is: Use Prim's algorithm to find a minimal spanning tree for the weighted graph. Give the weight of the minimal spanning tree found
How do I use Maple 11 to determine if my graph is a rooted tree, as well as draw the rooted tree with the root at the top without the arrow heads.
How do I use Maple 11 to determine reverse Polish notation or postfix form? I can't find a example worksheet in order to plug-in my problem.
How do I use Maple to apply depth-first search to a graph to obtain a depth-first search of numbering of the verticies. Once again I need to input my graph in order to retrieve this information. How does Maple provide this info based off my graph?
In exercise is Trees-- How do I use the breadth-first search algorithm to find a spanning tree for a connected graph. (Start with A, and use alphabetical order whrn there is a choice for a predecessor). So the bottom line is I have a graph and listed in the text and I want to import it in maple in order to figure out the above info. I have used the command prompt but none seem to have what I am looking for. I am a new user, I have tried to modify preset graphs, however I need to have the ability to determine data from my graphs. Please provide help. I am also trying to use the (ISTREE) function but it still does not provide me with the data I am looking for.
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