666 jvbasha

javid basha jv

130 Reputation

8 Badges

6 years, 335 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by 666 jvbasha

Dear maple users,


Q1.How to plot a figure for different values of M?

      like M=1,2,3,4:


Q2. How to assign all the expressions are "remember table assignment"

Dear Maple Users @acer @Carl Love @Kitonum @Preben Alsholm ,


How to plot a function "Am" for various values of "kt"(eg: kt=-1..1) at a point x=0.

Am vs kt.

The code has provided below.

Waiting for your response.



Dear maple users,


How to plot a contour for the below-mentioned function.

f(x):=-0.09465519086 x^3+0.02711194463 x^2+0.3862193003 x-0.00030060626-0.0003613678673 x^6-0.001538973646 x^5-0.01937304057 x^4-3.822344860 10^(-8) x^8-0.000007297718101 x^7


Dear maple users,


How to plot this function equation "An" for x=0.0001..1,0.02 with 0..1 range.

Wating for replay.

A2 := 1.107444364; A4 := 1.124502164; ad := .5; ed := 0.1e-1; pd := 21; ld := .3;
f := unapply(3*x^2-2*x^3-1.238616691*x^2*(x-1)^2-.7382714588*x^2*(x-1)^3+.1921034396*x^2*(x-1)^4+.5253305667*x^2*(x-1)^5+.7364291997*x^2*(x-1)^6+1.032724351*x^2*(x-1)^7+.8058204155*x^2*(x-1)^8+.3290860035*x^2*(x-1)^9, x);
t := unapply(.339997432+1.547096375*x^2-2.488736512*x^3+8.154594212*x^4-15.63643668*x^5+15.85832377*x^6-8.734300202*x^7+1.959461605*x^8, x);
b1 := f(x);
b2 := diff(f(x), x);
b3 := diff(f(x), x, x);
b4 := t(x);
b5 := diff(t(x), x);
An := A4*(1+(4/3)*ad)*(b5^2+b4^2/ld^2)+4*ed*pd*(b2^2/x^2+b1^2/x^4-b1*b2/x^3)/ld;
As := seq(An, x = 0.1e-2 .. 1, 0.5e-1);
L := [seq([x, As], x = 0.1e-2 .. 1, 0.5e-1)];

plots:-display(plot(L, style = point), plot(As, x = 0.1e-2 .. 1), color = blue, linestyle = solid, labels = ["η", "f'"], thickness = 1, labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical], labelfont = ['TIMES', 'BOLDOBLIQUE', 16], size = [450, 450], axes = box);


A2 := 1.107444364:

f := unapply(3*x^2-2*x^3-1.238616691*x^2*(x-1)^2-.7382714588*x^2*(x-1)^3+.1921034396*x^2*(x-1)^4+.5253305667*x^2*(x-1)^5+.7364291997*x^2*(x-1)^6+1.032724351*x^2*(x-1)^7+.8058204155*x^2*(x-1)^8+.3290860035*x^2*(x-1)^9, x):

t := unapply(.339997432+1.547096375*x^2-2.488736512*x^3+8.154594212*x^4-15.63643668*x^5+15.85832377*x^6-8.734300202*x^7+1.959461605*x^8, x):

b1 := f(x):

b2 := diff(f(x), x):

b3 := diff(f(x), x, x):

b4 := t(x):

b5 := diff(t(x), x):

An := A4*(1+(4/3)*ad)*(b5^2+b4^2/ld^2)+4*ed*pd*(b2^2/x^2+b1^2/x^4-b1*b2/x^3)/ld:

As := seq(An, x = 0.1e-2 .. 1, 0.5e-1):

L := [seq([x, As], x = 0.1e-2 .. 1, 0.5e-1)]:



plots:-display(plot(L, style = point), plot(As, x = 0.1e-2 .. 1), color = blue, linestyle = solid, labels = ["η", "f'"], thickness = 1, labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical], labelfont = ['TIMES', 'BOLDOBLIQUE', 16], size = [450, 450], axes = box)

Error, (in plot) found points with fewer or more than 2 components




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Dear maple users,


How to eval a function as a sequence of x(x=0..1)

f := unapply(3*x^2-2*x^3-1.080674649*x^2*(x-1)^2-.8118769171*x^2*(x-1)^3+.4147046974*x^2*(x-1)^4+.4585681954*x^2*(x-1)^5, x);
ma := seq(eval(f(x), x = 0 .. 1))

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