
150 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 227 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Al86

I have this problem:

(x'+x''+epsilon/x)(x'-(x')^3/3!)(x''-(x'')^3/3!)(epsilon/x -(epsilon/x)^3/3!)=1

x(0)=epsilon , x'(epsilon)=epsilon+epsilon^{-1}


Now I want to try the ansatz: x(epsilon,t)=x_{-1}(t)/epsilon+x_0(t)+x_1(t)epsilon.

Can you suggest me a way to implement this ansatz (i.e finding x_{-1}(t),x_0(t),x_1(t)).

Appreciate your time!

I have this piece of command in maple which I want to get a numerical value out of it, but instead of that it shows the sines without their numerical values. What to add to these commands to get a numerical value for x? (I checked maple's help for "numerical value", but perhaps I am a bit impatient and didn't find such a thing):

solve(x^2 = (4/sind(10))^2 + ((4 + x)/sind(20))^2 - 8*(4 + x)/(sind(10)*sind(20)), x);

I get the following:

                      1                        /  /   
---------------------------------------------- \8 \16 
4 Degrees:-sind(10)  - 4 Degrees:-sind(10) + 1        

                   2                                        2   
  Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10) - 8 Degrees:-sind(10)  - 

  /                     4                  2
  \256 Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10) 

   - 192 Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10)

   + 32 Degrees:-sind(10) 

   - 64 Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10)

   + 24 Degrees:-sind(10) 

   + 16 Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10)

                        \      \\  
   - 2 Degrees:-sind(10)/^(1/2)//, 

                        1                        /  /   
  ---------------------------------------------- \8 \16 
  4 Degrees:-sind(10)  - 4 Degrees:-sind(10) + 1        

                   2                                        2   
  Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10) - 8 Degrees:-sind(10)  + 

  /                     4                  2
  \256 Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10) 

   - 192 Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10)

   + 32 Degrees:-sind(10) 

   - 64 Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10)

   + 24 Degrees:-sind(10) 

   + 16 Degrees:-sind(10)  Degrees:-cosd(10)

                        \      \\
   - 2 Degrees:-sind(10)/^(1/2)//

I remember that once there was an option to provide to maple a given function and it produced a suitable DE that this function solves.

Can you remind me how to do it?

I remember there was such an option in the previous versions of maple.

Thanks in advance!

I have the function: f(x)= sqrt(x) for x>=0; f(x)=1/x for x<0 and I would like to plot the function.

How exactly to implement this?

Suppose I want to calculate gcd(g(x),f(x))=a(x)f(x)+b(x)g(x) for two polynomial, i.e finding the RHS representation of the gcd, then how to implement this in maple?

I know of the command GCD(f(x),g(x)) but how to find the RHS representation?


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