
165 Reputation

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9 years, 60 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by AmusingYeti

This is not that intuitive but it can be done:

1) Go to "Format -> Styles" and modify the style options that are in the left column.

2) Once you have decided upon a style, save it as a file and then you can load the file from "format -> Manage style sets".

3) Select your style under the "User defined style set".

When opening new worksheets they should now use this style by default.

- Yeti

You have a wavefunction psi(x). We know that:

int(psi(x)^2,x=-infinity..infinity) =1

Substitute the form for your wavefunction with a normalisation constant at the front of it (say A) into this expression, and then solve for A. That will give you the normalisation condition and thus the normalised wavefunction Psi(x)_norm = A*psi(x).

You can have Maple export the plot as an Encapsulated Postcript file (EPS) via File -> Export As, then select LaTeX under the options. This will produce an eps file of the plot. In LaTeX you can then do the following to plot it:


\includegraphics[Insert your plot options here]{name of file.eps}

(You will need the graphicx package in your preamble for this command to compile correctly)


Would convert(insert fraction here , rational) not do the trick? I believe cfrac was depreciated in favour of confrac:

More on the convert function here:

I have managed to fix the issue by using a slightly different means of doing the numerical integration, although the reasons as to why this new script works and the other one does not are not entirely clear.

See the following script:

It may run slow but I have bumped up the epsilon on both integrals and increased the number of digits being carried through. If you lower these values then it will be much faster.

It can now go across the entire range without any issues and no hanging. Your point about the rubbish dump Carl Love is an interesting one. It seems counter intuitive!


I am not entirely certain what you are asking but I think this does what you are looking for. I have used arrays to deal with the input rather than a table. It seemed you wanted to replace each of the first elements with the number 2 whilst keeping the second number the same. The third part you seem to change but it is not clear on what rule you want to apply but you can easily modify the following code to deal with it. Arrays are very versatile in Maple and they allow for easy access to all the elements which you can extract separately and apply operations to them:


for i from 1 to nops(Table) do
end do:


- Yeti

The link to the mw worksheet is not working for me, but you may find this useful:

If you look in the Maple initilisation files in the downloaded files, you need to change the directory path for libname to your own path. Have you done that?

You could use a code edit region by doing:

Insert -> Code edit region. (You can then make the box larger on screen. It is not the most ideal option but it does work.)

See this file with your code:


One "botched" way of doing it, is to give values to the variables. As they are positive variables, give them any integer values greater than one and it will then simplify it to -I.

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