
165 Reputation

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9 years, 181 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by AmusingYeti

I could replicate your error when running on Maple 18, but the script works fine with Maple 2015, so seems an issue with how Maple 18 is interpreting your input, rather than the actual mathematics of the script itself.


@Carl Love 

Thank you. I thought as much, but just wanted confirmation, and to see if I had overlooked something.


It appears you have uploaded twice and not the Mt file.



Apologies i should have made myself clearer. I copy and pasted the Mathematica expressions straight from the worksheet. In Mathematica you can use either a space or a * sign to represent multiplication so yes, all the spaces do represent multiplication. i.e. the list is given by:

LIST={0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, a^2*b*m*(-1 + n)*n*(a^2 + b^2 - 2*E), ... ,0,0, a^3*n*(l+1+m) ... }

There are approximately 50 non-zero terms in LIST. My interpretation of the code is that it is assigning a unique combination of x,y and z to each item in LIST so as to be called later on. So I can call a particular item using:




And these will give me a different answer. The first 3 numbers in COEF dictate the x,y,z combination and it then substitutes in the l,m and n assigned via the last 3 digits in COEF. My confusion is around how these x,y,z combinations are being assigned.


How are you exporting the code?




I just set Jo and q equal to one as they needed a value. I do not know what these quantities represent in your expressions. I assume you want to integrate the expressions with respect to z and have a general solution in terms of Jo, q and T? This will require using analytical means to solve the integral exactly.



This still suffers from the same issue. You have defined the two integrations as procedures dependent on q, Jo and T. These integrations cannot be done numerically without q and Jo defined explicitly. You are providing a value for T, but the numerical algorithms cannot proceed without the other two arguments. Look into how Jo and q are defined, and either find a way to express them in terms of T or z or extract them from the integration completely.


Posting a worksheet with the problem in will be more useful for these sorts of questions as it can be difficult to predict where the bottleneck will be.

- Yeti

@John May Well I never. I have been doing it the wrong way for years! I guess I never really ran into problems as I rarely use Maple for plotting purposes. Thank you for the tip.


If you want to plot a field then you need some mathematical equation in order to understand how the field behaves within the coordinate system you pick. You can specify your Cartesian components Bx,By,Bz or other respective coordinate system and plot the field using the respective commands for the particular Maxwell equation.


Interesting post acer. It raises the question, are there any other useful undocumented Maple commands? Is it undocumented due to being a newly implemented feature?

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Would spline fitting not work in this instance due to the data sharing common x data, and spline fitting requiring them to be distinct?

- Yeti

@umar khan 

Could you not find a substitution to map the domain, 0 -> x to 0 -> 1? (or some other suitable numeric domain). This usually makes things much simpler.

- Yeti

Thank you for doing this. I was thinking of doing something like this for atom, but I also use Sublime text so will definately be using this.

I have writen a custom lexer for input with LaTeX if anyone is interested. It can be used with Pygments and the minted package to be able to write code in LaTeX with automatic syntax highlighting for Maple code using just


@Joe Riel 

Of course! seems obvious now. Thank you for the suggestion it works perfectly.


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