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5 years, 6 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Anthrazit

I've got a question regarding sum of matrix or arrays.

My problem is that sum of the values of the maxtrices is not calculated, but shown as a sum with the '+' sign. I have tried to recreate the problem with an easier example, but so far I have not managed to do so.

Before posting the whole program, I'd like to post it as a question, if someone has an idea about how I could get an evaluation of the matrix.

Here's a screenshot.

Is there any possibility to update a DataTable, when the connected Array is expanded?

I've tried to change visibleColumns, but that doesn't show the content unfortunately.

I've somehow understood that sequences are extremly powerful so far. However I have to admit that they are quite complicated to read and understand, and I still am a bit confused how to work with them properly.

The attached example shows a very simple sequence.

My question is - how can I use its results further on?

What I for example would like to have, is a plot, where the first results in the array are the x- values, and the second are used as the y-values. Before that I need to extract both of them into vectors.

Could this be done in one operation, or can I somehow iterate throught the members of the returned values?

We've come over another annoying "feature" in units handling.

Maple isn't able to compare variables that have similar units, but are defined differently (like MPa and N/mm^2).

Did a quick check in Mathcad, seems to work there.

Any chance to get a dataplot with units in one or both axis?

Or is this another thing where units are cause of trouble?

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