
860 Reputation

11 Badges

5 years, 151 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Anthrazit

Got a problem related to values written to a library. One of the values somehow gets lost, and I wonder if I did the definition correct.

The specific problem is, that I have defined a table with an index. The value of mytable["hello"] seems to be missing when reading the library.

Being an absolut newbie to Maple I find some of the functions a bit strange and difficult.

One of the things is e.g. rounding numbers.

In Pyton and other languages it is quite simple and straightforward when rounding a number.

round(number, digits)

If you have digits = 0 then you get an integer, otherwise you get a number with the number of digits chosen.

In Maple the round function is just for rounding to an integer.

To round to something else currently I don't really know what I would use. There is the evalf function, which one can use like evalf[digits](number), but that doesn't give you the value with digits. It gives you a number with significant digits, which means, also including the numbers before the comma delimiter.

round(15.76543,2) = 15.77

evalf[2](15.76543) = 16

Wouldn't it be much easier to expand the functionality of the round function in Maple?



Got a question regarding numeric indices in tables. Apparently every index in a table is considered alfanumeric, which means that 90 is not the same as 90.0. 

Or test["text", 90] is not the same as test["text", 90.0].

Here's the example.

Apparently I will need to do some numeric formatting before using the numbers as indices for the table, right?

Is it possible to put 2D math text on Text Area or Label components?

Like greek alpha, beta, or more complex expressions.

Sorry to bother you with another very basic question.

This very simple example shows that Maple gives the first value that is defined back, ignoring changes further down the definition chain.

Could someone explain why, and if there is a way to always get the updated values?


m := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 3, (2, 1) = 2, (2, 2) = 4})

Matrix(%id = 18446745932232999750)


a := 1



b := m[a, 1]



a := 2






m[2, 1]






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