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5 years, 146 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Anthrazit

@Carl Love 

If you are saying that current version is 1.2.3, then I'd say yes.

@Thomas Richard 

On the one side - good to know.

On the other side, this branch has reached end of life in august 2015...

Thanks a lot, solution verified.

Looks like this is the way it should be.

If I want a text description, it needs to be put in the attribute list, not the name of the XML element to create.


I've made it a habit to copy files to the local PC, especially when working via VPN.

Haven't had any problems afterward either.

So for the moment it's not reproduceable anymore.

As far as I remember there was neither a file called "C" nor a attachment with the name "C". So the error message must have come from somewhere else.

@Carl Love 

Thanks a lot for your patience.

I've done some more tests, and as you write in your last comment, the problem is the parse instruction, not the table that is returned.

Looks like this is a reoccurring problem on my side.

In my opinion using declared globals in a procedure is generally a poor programming practice. Using parse to turn strings into names -- within a procedure -- is also generally poor a programming practice.

@Joe Riel 

I think the attached example resembles very much your second example, where all variables are declared local.

But the question is, how do I fix the code so that I get back the values, and not the name of the variables?



test := proc()


result := test()










Apparently not :-)

I've tested all of the programs I wrote recently to use the Units:-Simple package, and all but one ran without any problems.

The one that didn't run properly had a problem during units conversion. But actually that was a bug in my program. It might be that the Units:-Simple package actually helped finding the bug, while the Standard package justed worked on. But I am not sure on that either.

So it looks like that I will change to the Units:-Simple package from now on.


[`*`, `+`, `-`, `/`, `<`, `<=`, `<>`, `=`, Im, Re, `^`, abs, add, arccos, arccosh, arccot, arccoth, arccsc, arccsch, arcsec, arcsech, arcsin, arcsinh, arctan, arctanh, argument, ceil, collect, combine, conjugate, cos, cosh, cot, coth, csc, csch, csgn, diff, eval, evalc, evalr, exp, expand, factor, floor, frac, frem, ln, log, log10, log2, max, min, mul, normal, piecewise, polar, root, round, sec, sech, seq, shake, signum, simplify, sin, sinh, sqrt, surd, tan, tanh, trunc, type, verify]


a := 15*Unit('kN')



b := 0*Unit('kN')




if a < b then "True" else "False" end if




Download CompareUnits_(1).mw


No, didn't try that one.


But why doesn't it come with an error exception then?

If I do sin(2,3,4) I'll get an Error, (in sin), expecting 1 argument, got 3.

The equivalent function for degrees seems to give different results, and I don't understand what it does actually.


[ConvertToDegreeForm, ConvertToRadForm, HasTrig, SetDefault, Simplify, arccosd, arccotd, arccscd, arcsecd, arcsind, arctand, cosd, cotd, cscd, diff, expand, int, secd, sind, solve, tand, trigsubs]


arctan(1, 0)NULL



arctand(1, 0)



arctan(0, 1)



arctand(0, 1)



arctan(0, -1)



arctand(0, -1)






That seems to me 2 different questions now.

The one important to me is why the < operator doesn't work with the Units-Standard package. That is the most important one to fix.

The other one is the question about the workaround with "is". That one apparently doesn't give the desired results either, so for my part this isn't a path I am going to follow further on.

The intermediate solution is to change all my if clauses, and convert the values that should be checked to unit_less ones, before doing the calculations. Needless to say that the main reason for implementing the check in the first run is that Maple often exits with an error if units get lost.

The main problem for all this behaviour is, that Maple cuts out units when a value becomes zero. This is a bug in my opinion, and as I have posted before, other software like Mathcad does not show this behaviour.


The last line should give "True" not "False".



[`*`, `+`, `-`, `/`, `<`, `<=`, `<>`, `=`, Im, Re, `^`, abs, add, arccos, arccosh, arccot, arccoth, arccsc, arccsch, arcsec, arcsech, arcsin, arcsinh, arctan, arctanh, argument, ceil, collect, combine, conjugate, cos, cosh, cot, coth, csc, csch, csgn, diff, eval, evalc, evalr, exp, expand, factor, floor, frac, int, ln, log, log10, log2, max, min, mul, normal, polar, root, round, sec, sech, seq, shake, signum, simplify, sin, sinh, sqrt, surd, tan, tanh, trunc, type, verify]


a := 15*Unit('kN')



b := 0*Unit('kN')




if a < b then "True" else "False" end if

Error, cannot determine if this expression is true or false: 15*Units:-Unit(kN) < 0



if is(a < b) then "True" else "False" end if




if is(a <> b) then "True" else "False" end if







This is indeed an interesting approach that seems to work.

@Thomas Richard 

The Simple package doesn't allow for unit conversions and a lot of other stuff, so we need Standard package.

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