
445 Reputation

10 Badges

14 years, 12 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Bendesarts


In a maple code, i have the symbol dollar as an the last argument of a procedure.

What is the meaning of the use of dollar symbol as an argument in a maple procedure ?

Thank you for your help.


I would like to understand how i can construct module with submodules.

In the maple help, this chapter should answer perfectly to my need :

At this page, there is a package called Shapes which should be very useful for me.

However, i don't understand 1 point at the moment about the package architecture of this example of package.

Why there is a submodule also called Shapes inside the module Shapes ? In other words, why the different submodules point, segment, circle, square, triangle have not be constructed directly under the module Shapes but under the submodule Shapes?

I thank you in advance for your help.


i would like to continue to work on a code which was done With CodeBuilder some years ago.

i often like to print my code to be able to read without any computer.

Problem : the print function on a worksheet with several coderegion doesn t work well.

1) Do you have some ideas to circumvet this issue ,

2) i m thinking about using a text éditor which can give a nice printing with maple. Emacs is far to much complex for me. Consequently, i havé seen that some of you have testéd Sublime text. I think that it may be a good alternative. Do you have ideas about simple text editor that i can use to edit maple code ?

thank you for your help 


I have code which contains a data structure. This data structure was defined with Types and a Table.

I would like to know which is the best manner to do to build a data structure.

Is it better to use a Table or a MultiSet ?

May you precise me the pros and the cons of the 2 solutions?

Or indicate me if you have other ways to do.

Thanks a lot for your help.


1) Is it possible to transform a lib package into a mla package ?

2) I add the file here :

May you manage to make the transformation and give me an access to the code inside ?

Thank you for your help

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