
450 Reputation

10 Badges

14 years, 137 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Bendesarts

@Thomas Richard 


Thank you for your help.

It is very pleasant to have some feedback for you.

Indeed, on MapleSim, many of my posts were stayed without any answers.

You perfectly answer to my question with the Export function.

I have tried before the following code.

Code:for k to 8 do if (op(k,op(2,eval(MB)))=NULL) then print("NULL") else print(op(k,op(2,eval(MB)))) fi od;

SetOptions, SetAdditionalKinData, SetAdditionalDynData,

PostProcessDyEQs, DFPModule, Print, vPd, vPd_dot, xJi, xJdInv,

xG, vDepVels, vDepAccels, vDynamicEQs, AnalyseModel,

KinAnalysis, DynAnalysis, SetGenCoords, SetQiQd, SetJacPos,

SetJacVel, SetJdInvAndG, SetDepVels, SetDepAccels,

SetQiDepEdgeInfo, ReducePosCons, ProcessPosCons, GetVelAccCons,

ModType, lmQiSys, lmQdSys, lmQiPreSolved, lmQdPreSolved,

llmSubSysCons, tePosConstraintInfo, teZeroReactionSubs,

leJdInvSubs, leGSubs, leDepAccSubs, leMFSubs, vPosCons,

vVelCons, vAccCons, vDynEQs, leConstParams, leVarParams,

leReParamSubs, leConsistentSubs, leParamSubs, leICGuesses,

leSummary, bSolvePosition, bSubMF, sDynSimpType, sKinSimpType,

bSubEmbed, bSimpEmbed, sAugType, sFormType, leBaumgarte,

bGenSubSys, bSilentMode, bCalledFromMapleSimGUI, mLGM, mMath,

pTFunc, sModType
GetParams, GetInputs, GetPosCons, GetVelCons, GetAccCons,

GetDynEQs, GetKinTrans, GetSysEQs, GetFrameMotion,

GetInterFrameForce, GetBaumgarte, SetBaumgarte, GetNodeNames,

GetSysODEs, GetAYBSysODEs, GetSimCodeData, GetLGM, GetMass,

GetCoM, GetInertia, Reparameterize, ApplySimplification,

AddConstraints, PrintSummary, vQ, vQdot, vP, vPdot, vX, vXdot,

vKinTransRHS, xJacPos, xJacVel, vVelRHS, vAccRHS, xM, vLambda,

xC, vF, vReactions, mExprMan, leTo2ndOrderSubs, sDFPVersion,


With this code, new functions appear, but I think that I'm not sure that I can use the intermediate functions.

1) For the intermediate functions, are there usable ?

2) For the functions in the module GetMultibody that I get with the function GetMultibody, It seems to me that some of these functions are not detailled in the help of MapleSim such as GetParams, GetMass.... Do I right? I imagine that some of these functions can be very useful. Is there some help of them ?

Thanks for your answer

@Thomas Richard 

Thank you.

You perfectly answer to my question.

Indeed, the numbering that I desired seems to be absent ...

Why not taking into account :) ...


Thank you for your help.

It seems that your help should permit me to tackle the issue.

But, i need some precisions :
When you said "only assign units to the top-level definition", where is it for you : in the parameter area of the subsystem (point 1 in my question), in the inspector tab of the subsystem (point 2 in my question), or somewhereelse ?

Thanks a lot for your help


The second answers is perfect for me.

Thank you

How can be more accurate in your question ?

Otherwise, if it deals with "Fluid mechanics", I'm not sure that MapleSim can model distributed parameters model.

@Carl Love 

Thanks a lot for your help.

So, I have tried to follow your tips by using FromMatlab function available in the package with(Matlab).

My code is the following :

FromMatlab("Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_beta = Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_eps(2,1);
Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_gamma = Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_eps(3,1);
u_1 = cos(Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_beta);
u_2 = cos(Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_gamma);
u_3 = sin(Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_gamma);
Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_B = [u_1*u_2,u_3,0;-u_1*u_3,u_2,0;sin(Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_beta),0,1];");

Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_beta := Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_eps(2, 1);
Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_gamma := Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_eps(3, 1);
u_1 := map[evalhf](cos,Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_beta);
u_2 := map[evalhf](cos,Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_gamma);
u_3 := map[evalhf](sin,Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_gamma);
Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_B := Matrix([<u_1 . u_2 | u_3 | 0>, <-u_1 . u_3 | u_2 | 0>, <map[evalhf](sin,Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_beta) | 0 | 1>], scan=columns );

So, the good point is that now Maple recognize the definition of the matrix written in matlab. However, the bad point is that I lose the structure that I want in Maple that is to say a set of equations. Now, I have variables which are assigned with the expression in the right side.

Consequently, I think I should made a mix by using either StringTools commands and commands from the package Matlab:-FromMFile.

Do you have ideas in order to obtain a set of equations ?

If my post is not enough clear, don't hesitate to let me know. I will try to reformulate it in another way.

Thanks a lot for your help.


@Carl Love 

Hello, I encounter another issue with this kind of line because the semicolons are also used for the definition of vectors.

Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_B = [u_1*u_2,u_3,0;-u_1*u_3,u_2,0;sin(Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_beta),0,1];

Do you have ideas so as to tackle this problem?

Thanks a lot for your help.

@Carl Love 

In fact, it is almost perfect except that when I do a copy/ paste from matlab, I have this symbol ">" that I need to suppress by hand inder to run the function.

[>MS:= "
 >Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_beta = Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_eps(2,1);
 >Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_gamma = Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_eps(3,1);
 >u_1 = cos(Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_beta);
 >u_2 = cos(Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_gamma);
 >u_3 = sin(Barre_1_Euler_epsilon_gamma);

By chance, do you have a idea so that I can do the copy/ paste without the creation of the maple symbol ">" ?

It should enable me to not having to suppress each symbol with a handy process ?

Nota: If it is not clear, I can send you a example.

Thank you for your help.

@Carl Love 

You perfectly answer to my question.

Thanks a lot for your help!


I observe the same operating on my maple worksheet and maple15.

I notice that if i let the default format for the heading and a label without accent.

This time I can keep a definition with a layout "TextField" and without the layour "Font".

So, I believe that the "Heading 1" instances that contain the text wrapped in a Font element happen when you use accent in your title and it should link with {"encoding" -> "UTF-8"}.



Thank you answer for your help.

1) I open the .mw directly as XML format in another software. So, as you say, I have indeed a large nested function with XMLElements.

2) The point is that I didn't manage to recover some labels with the layout "Font". So, I would like to transform directly in my worksheet all the line with a layout "Font" into a line with a layout "TextField". The problem is that i easily detect the "Font" layout in the XML function but i didn't find where the layouts "Font" are defined for the code lines in my worksheet.

a) How can I recognize a layout "Font" in a line of a worksheet ?
b) How can I change a layout "Font" into a layout "TexttField" ?

3) I'm very interested about the project you told me at the end enabling the extraction of the contents. 

a) Is it possible for you to share it ?

a) Does your program enable to recover also the structure of the workwheet (Section 1 defined with Headling 1, Subsection1 defined with Headlings 2, ...)

Thank you for your help and advices

@Carl Love 

Thank you for your answer.

You probably right.

Instead of using algsubs, it is may be better to use subs with the following substitutions :

xA1 = rF1 * cos(aF1)
yA1 = rF1 * sin(aF1)

since after substitions i would like to have my expressions with rF1, aF1.

I find this issue.

In fact, when upgrading to maplesim2015, all the components of the model still work except the angular sensors.

I put new angular sensor with maplesim2015 and now it works.


@Thomas Richard 

Thank you for your answer.

It perfectly works.

@one man 

In fact, my question is focused on the use of Maplesim.

In others words, how can I define the orientation of a body thanks to rotation matrix in Maplesim ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

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