
450 Reputation

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14 years, 140 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Bendesarts

@Thomas Richard 

Thanks a lot for your help.

I could make the troubleshooting by disabling some components so as to open the kinematic loops.

By this way, maplesim was able to make the necessary calculations for the visualization of the mechanism.

@Thomas Richard 

My main windows where we can see my maplesim model:


The visualization windows after having clicked on the 3D construction mode :






I can understand that maplesim has some difficulties to show the 3D visualization if i have some bad inconsistent initial conditions with the kinematic constraints enforced.

In that case, how can I do to ask maplesim to show th visualization without the enforcement of the kinematic constraints ? It would enable me to see how my rigid bodies have been located.

I have already tried to push the button update 3D view. But, when i do this, the calculation never stops. It is probably due to the bad initial conditions that i mentioned.

Thanks a lot for your help.


@Thomas Richard

Thank you for your Help.

I use maplesim 7.

i have indeed the Vertical tabs.

however, i don t why i didn t see the 3D in the 3D construction

@Carl Love 

In fact, when i use the export as html with the MATHML/ content, I obtain a html fil which is like this :

- the titles are well translated into MATHML

- but, what is the most important for me : the maple inputs, are translated into strings in the html.

I would have like to apply the export as MATHML to a block of maple inputs.

For the moment, I can do it only on an expression with the function ExportContent.

Moreover, it seems that the new features of Maple15 should permit to export as XML (see in the help of Export function)

Thank you for you help so as to export expression as xml.


I have tried this :


Export(expr, target = direct, format = "XML");


Error, (in XMLTools:-ToString) invalid input: _xml expects its 2nd argument, f, to be of type {string, function}, but received a = (1/2)*m*x^2

But, it is not working.


@Joe Riel 

OK I understand you remarks even if this model is dedicated for me to do some tests.

In particulary, I wanted to test how I can mesure the angles of a body when some absolute coordinates are chosen.

So i would like to determine the angles of the bodies as regard to the fix frame.

Have you others ideas to mesure the angles directly from the body ? The idea is to follow the same way as it is done when systems are modeled with absolute coordinates.

Thanks a lot for your help.


With the picture

@Carl Love 

Thank you for your help.

I manage to install the package and do your method.

However, how I can list all the procedures contained in a package ?

Normally, with the function "with followed with ";"" I should have all the list of the procedure, shouldn't I?

It seems that I have only one procedure called show but normally I should have more. Do you know why I can see the others procedures ?


image package

Thank you for your help


@Carl Love 

Thanks a lot for your help. I will try your method. But, as it is an open source package given by the author, there is may be a easier solution in order the see all the content of the package. If yes, can someone give me the function so as to open a open source package with a .mla extension ?

Thank you for your help.

Thanks a lot for you help,

Concerning acer's remarks :

What version of Windows?

--> Windows 8.1

Is your target a 32 or 64bit application?

--> 32 bits application

Which version(s) of Maple do you have ?

--> 18

and for which did its Compiler command function properly?

--> I'm sorry but I believe that I don't well understand this question. The aim is to create a share object based on my maple program for determine initials positions of my mechanism in another application.

Do you have any other 3rd party C compiler installed?

--> I don't think so but I'm not sure. I have Visual Studio installed and it enables me to open the C code detailled below.

Concerning Axel Vogt's remarks :

a) and b) Here more informations about the function I want to create

Synoptic of the function :

inputs : alpha(t), beta(t), z(t) (angles and lengths so they are reals or floats)
output : gamma[1](t) (angle)
parameters (geometric lenghts)

Maple code :

constants:= ({constants} minus {gamma})[]:
`evalf/gamma`:= proc() end proc:
`evalf/constant/gamma`:= proc() end proc:
gamma[1](t):=arctan(2*cos(alpha(t))*sin(beta(t))*sin(aBTP[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]-2*sin(alpha(t))*cos(aBTP[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]+2*cos(alpha(t))*cos(beta(t))*h0*e[1]+2*z(t)*e[1]-2*e[1]*h[1], -2*sin(alpha(t))*sin(beta(t))*sin(aBTP[1])*cos(aF[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]-2*sin(alpha(t))*cos(beta(t))*cos(aF[1])*h0*e[1]-2*cos(aBTP[1])*cos(alpha(t))*cos(aF[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]-2*sin(aBTP[1])*cos(beta(t))*sin(aF[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]+2*sin(beta(t))*sin(aF[1])*h0*e[1]+2*e[1]*rF[1])-Pi+arccos((2*sin(alpha(t))*sin(beta(t))*sin(aBTP[1])*cos(aF[1])*rBTP[1]*rF[1]-2*z(t)*cos(alpha(t))*sin(beta(t))*sin(aBTP[1])*rBTP[1]+2*sin(alpha(t))*cos(beta(t))*cos(aF[1])*h0*rF[1]+2*cos(aBTP[1])*cos(alpha(t))*cos(aF[1])*rBTP[1]*rF[1]+2*cos(alpha(t))*sin(beta(t))*sin(aBTP[1])*h[1]*rBTP[1]+2*sin(aBTP[1])*cos(beta(t))*sin(aF[1])*rBTP[1]*rF[1]+2*z(t)*sin(alpha(t))*cos(aBTP[1])*rBTP[1]-2*z(t)*cos(alpha(t))*cos(beta(t))*h0-2*sin(alpha(t))*cos(aBTP[1])*h[1]*rBTP[1]+2*cos(alpha(t))*cos(beta(t))*h0*h[1]-2*sin(beta(t))*sin(aF[1])*h0*rF[1]-z(t)^2+2*z(t)*h[1]-h0^2-e[1]^2-h[1]^2+l[1]^2-rBTP[1]^2-rF[1]^2)/sqrt((-2*sin(alpha(t))*sin(beta(t))*sin(aBTP[1])*cos(aF[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]-2*sin(alpha(t))*cos(beta(t))*cos(aF[1])*h0*e[1]-2*cos(aBTP[1])*cos(alpha(t))*cos(aF[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]-2*sin(aBTP[1])*cos(beta(t))*sin(aF[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]+2*sin(beta(t))*sin(aF[1])*h0*e[1]+2*e[1]*rF[1])^2+(2*cos(alpha(t))*sin(beta(t))*sin(aBTP[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]-2*sin(alpha(t))*cos(aBTP[1])*e[1]*rBTP[1]+2*cos(alpha(t))*cos(beta(t))*h0*e[1]+2*z(t)*e[1]-2*e[1]*h[1])^2))

c) I would like to use the dll function in a 20-sim model. I send you attach a example of 20-sim model with a dll function and the C code which enables to build this dll.



I think that in this program the calling convention is mentioned.

I hope these informations will enable you to make me progress in the building of my code.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Thank you for your help.

So let's start with an expression that I have in my maple sheet. It is just a big trigonomotric expression which enables me to calculate the dependent parameters in function to the independent parameters. I would like to create a dll in order to use it in other software which accepts dll.

"gamma[1](t):=arctan(2 cos(alpha(t)) sin(beta(t)) sin(aBTP[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]-2 sin(alpha(t)) cos(aBTP[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]+2 cos(alpha(t)) cos(beta(t)) h0 e[1]+2 z(t) e[1]-2 e[1] h[1],-2 sin(alpha(t)) sin(beta(t)) sin(aBTP[1]) cos(aF[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]-2 sin(alpha(t)) cos(beta(t)) cos(aF[1]) h0 e[1]-2 cos(aBTP[1]) cos(alpha(t)) cos(aF[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]-2 sin(aBTP[1]) cos(beta(t)) sin(aF[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]+2 sin(beta(t)) sin(aF[1]) h0 e[1]+2 e[1] rF[1])-Pi+arccos((2 sin(alpha(t)) sin(beta(t)) sin(aBTP[1]) cos(aF[1]) rBTP[1] rF[1]-2 z(t) cos(alpha(t)) sin(beta(t)) sin(aBTP[1]) rBTP[1]+2 sin(alpha(t)) cos(beta(t)) cos(aF[1]) h0 rF[1]+2 cos(aBTP[1]) cos(alpha(t)) cos(aF[1]) rBTP[1] rF[1]+2 cos(alpha(t)) sin(beta(t)) sin(aBTP[1]) h[1] rBTP[1]+2 sin(aBTP[1]) cos(beta(t)) sin(aF[1]) rBTP[1] rF[1]+2 z(t) sin(alpha(t)) cos(aBTP[1]) rBTP[1]-2 z(t) cos(alpha(t)) cos(beta(t)) h0-2 sin(alpha(t)) cos(aBTP[1]) h[1] rBTP[1]+2 cos(alpha(t)) cos(beta(t)) h0 h[1]-2 sin(beta(t)) sin(aF[1]) h0 rF[1]-(z(t))^2+2 z(t) h[1]-h0^2-e[1]^2-h[1]^2+l[1]^2-rBTP[1]^2-rF[1]^2)/(sqrt((-2 sin(alpha(t)) sin(beta(t)) sin(aBTP[1]) cos(aF[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]-2 sin(alpha(t)) cos(beta(t)) cos(aF[1]) h0 e[1]-2 cos(aBTP[1]) cos(alpha(t)) cos(aF[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]-2 sin(aBTP[1]) cos(beta(t)) sin(aF[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]+2 sin(beta(t)) sin(aF[1]) h0 e[1]+2 e[1] rF[1])^2+(2 cos(alpha(t)) sin(beta(t)) sin(aBTP[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]-2 sin(alpha(t)) cos(aBTP[1]) e[1] rBTP[1]+2 cos(alpha(t)) cos(beta(t)) h0 e[1]+2 z(t) e[1]-2 e[1] h[1])^2)))"

1) How can i do to create to transform it to dll function ?

2) To create a dll, do I need a specific software to compile C code ? If yes, may you advice me one ?

Thanks a lot for your help.




I don't understand very well your question. For me the "homokinetic" feature of a joint is not dependent from the softwate Maplesim. It is linked to the mechanical properties of your kinematic joints.

There are many ways to make a homokinetic joint : for example, universal joints, Hooke's joint ...

And for me, there is no problem to model it with MapleSim.

Otherwise, Thank you for your help.

The program runs perfectly !!!

I have try this code :

remove(has,remove(has, [sol], I),rF[R]<0 or rF[V]<0 or aF[R]<0 or aF[V]<0);

But it seems that it doesn't work because I have still some set of solutions containing some of theses variables which are negative.

May you help me so as to remove all the set of solutions which contains the variables mentionned negative.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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