
445 Reputation

10 Badges

14 years, 10 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Bendesarts

@Axel Vogt 

The context is the determination of explicit function in the constraints equations of a multibody system.

I detemine 3 expressions of the parameters i want to calculate which depend of 3 others parameters.




Questions :

1) I would like to determine phi1(t) without evaluate gamma1(t) in its expression

I believe i have to determine my expression with using ' ' a bit like that phi1(t):=f(x(t),alpha(t),beta(t),'gamma1(t)')

I didn't manage in my code. May you have idea so as to determine phi1(t):=f(x(t),alpha(t),beta(t),gamma1(t)) without evaluating gamma1(t)

(SEE Equation 4.5 in my code)

2) I would like to determine




knowing that x(t):=0.12

gamma1(t) is not evaluated.

Did you see in my code the issue ?

(SEE Equation 6.1 in my code)

Thank you for your help

@Mac Dude 


The solution based on the use of latex function works!!!

Thanks a lot for your help


I detail a bit more my issue.

When i use solve function solve(%=0,gamma1);

I find \arctan \left( b,a \right) +\pi -\arccos \left( {\frac {c}{\sqrt {{a}^ {2}+{b}^{2}}}} \right)

arctan(b, a)+Pi-arccos(c/sqrt(a^2+b^2))

So i find only one solution and i would have linked to find 2 solutions :

gamma=-arctan(b, a) + arccos(c/sqrt(a²+b²))

and gamma=-arctan(b, a) - arccos(c/sqrt(a²+b²))

Have you some ideas why i don't find 2 solutions ?

Thanks a lot for your help

@Alejandro Jakubi 

I tried with MathML package and it is the same.

It is very annoying because i need to make a nice document with equations well presented.

Thank you for your help.

Thank for other ideas?


No sorry the error message is not exactly this one.

The message is :

The paperweight doesn't contain equations data.

However, i have the impression to copy equations ...

OK indeed it looks good.

And after i want the 2 solutions given automatically by a solve function

gamma=-psi + arccos(c/sqrt(a²+b²))

and gamma=-psi - arccos(c/sqrt(a²+b²))

how can i program it ?

Thanks a lot for your help

@Alejandro Jakubi 

I don't know why but on some equations (generally the long ones) i can't copy/past in mathtype object. I received a error message specifing that it is too much memory for the paperweight.

If you have some ideas, i'm very interested.

Thanks a lot for your help

With a better picture.

How can i launch maplesim ?

Thank you for help.



I still have this problem when i try to launch MapleSIM :


However, i have reinstalled java 32 and 64 bits.

Have you some ideas ?

Thank you for help

Thanks a lot for your help.

I find your method very interesting.

Unfortunately, i still don't manage to have the results.

A:=coeff(eq1, x);
Error, unable to compute coeff

B:=coeff(eq1, y);
Error, unable to compute coeff
C:=tcoeff(eq1, [x, y]);
Error, invalid argument for sign, lcoeff or tcoeff

These ligns don't work. May be with Maple 17 coeff function only works with polynom. Anyway, with maple 17, if the function has change, a new function should make the operation.

Here the last programed with the lines you advised me. You will see the problem of computation.

Have you some ideas in order to be able to use the lines with coeff functions ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Thank you for your advice.

However, for my equation, the solve function doesn't work too.

Here the new program :

1) Have a idea to apply the solve function of my equation? I use Maple 17.

The idea of trying to put the equation in the following form can be very good :

(alpha, béta, z) cos gamma[1](t) + B(alpha, béta, z) sin gamma[1](t) + C(alpha, béta, z) = 0 which can be solved with : 

cos t = A/(A**2+B**2)**(1/2) 
sin t = B/(A**2+B**2)**(1/2) 

and so

cos(gamma[1](t)-t) = -C/(A**2+B**2)**(1/2)

However i didn't manage to express the coefficients in front of cos and sin of gamma[1](t). The coeff fonction seems to work only with polynoms. 

2) Have a idea to apply this method and consequently to determine the coefficients in front of cos and sin of gamma[1](t) ?

Thank you for your help

OK i could run microsoft visual c++ ge :express.

However, i still manage to run maplesim.

I try to launch maplesim.exe i receive this message.

I receive this error message :

Could not find the main class: com.maplesoft.application.Launcher.Program will exit. 

Thank you for your help


Error, (in Compiler:-Setup) unable to write to initialization file, C:\Program Files\Maple 17\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS/launch.ini, possibly due to insufficient permissions


once again

a picture more accurate for the error message

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