
445 Reputation

10 Badges

14 years, 16 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Bendesarts

@Thomas Richard 

Thank you for your help.

I have installed microsoft visual c++ express and after i have following the process proposed by maple and it 


OK thank you for help.

But i need to change the colour for a subsystem but in MAPLESIM and not in classic maple !!!



I have installed microsoft visual studio express C++ 10 as preconised Maplesim help and i have found no choice between 32 or 64 bits


Where can i find this vcvars64.bat file ?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin

but i find vcvars32.bat  and not vcvars64.bat 

and strangely i have followed the maple help which advices to install microsoft visual studio express C++

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your detailled explanation.

It was clear and i could plot slider displacement=f(angle of crank)



Thank you for your help.

The system is a ODE with 15 parameters and many trigonometric function for the coefficients. It's big but for a a mechanical system a bit complex is not huge.

One point which makes the system looks like very big comes from the fact that i have copy the matrix with copy/paste for my code where i have applied machanical theorem so as to obtain the equations. When you do like this, the copied matrix are good but they looks likes with a strange form which takes a lot of place.

So do you think i have to change the tool to make to solve this ODE ?

And what about your method to work with matrix with a more numeric form ?

Below, i give you yhe form of my ODE.

Thank a lot for your help.


@Carl Love 

Thank you for help.

In the file attached, i delete all the evalm function and correct the number pi. On that point, i have one remark : 1) how do you do to display a matrix without evalm function ? 

Here i put the new file without any evalm function. Unfortunately, the resolution seems never stops. But i haven't test your method yet.

I understand the difference between the definition and the execution of the procedure.

However i have still some difficulties to see the different steps i have to do ?

1) Define the procedure for AA

2) Define the differentiel system

3) execute the procedure which should solve the differential system taking into account this definition of AA.

It will be great if you may precise in my file the different ligns code

Thanks a lot for your help

@Carl Love 

Here this link should be worked. 

Thank you for your help.

@Carl Love 

Thank you for your help.

First, have you seen my last file ? In this file, i made the matrix inverse with Adjoint function and it seems to work. Unfortunately, the resolution of he differential system never finishes.

Secondly, thank you for your method. However, i believe i have not still understood for the moment. In fact, do you use dsolve 2 times ? one time for the calculation of the inverse of the matrix AA et another to solve my differential system ?

Indeed, for me, there is a point i don't understand in the different steps. It seems that you calculate Sol:= dsolve(..., numeric); before AA:= proc(S,t)
local Cu_inv:= eval(Cu, S(t))^(-1), tCu_inv:= eval(tCu, S(t))^(1);
     eval(Avv - Avu.Cu_inv.Cv + tCv.tCu_inv.Auu.Cu_inv.Cv - tCv.tCu_inv.Auv, S(t))
end proc:

For me but i think that there is a step that i didn't understand, i have to calculate

1) the matrix AA with your method

AA:= proc(S,t)
local Cu_inv:= eval(Cu, S(t))^(-1), tCu_inv:= eval(tCu, S(t))^(1);
     eval(Avv - Avu.Cu_inv.Cv + tCv.tCu_inv.Auu.Cu_inv.Cv - tCv.tCu_inv.Auv, S(t))
end proc:

2) Solve my differential system with dsolve function

sol:=dsolve({sys,Cinit},numeric); with sys which is a differential system using the matrix AA

That's why i don't understand the lign code AA(Sol, t) ?

May you precise me a bit more the method?

Thank you for help. 


@Carl Love 

Thank you for you help.

I believe you perfectly undestand my issue.

In order to facilite debbuging, i made a file where you have also the calculation of the differential system i want to solve.

For the moment, i change the calculation of the matrix inverse. The results can not be display but it seems to be done.

Unfortunately, the resolution of my differential system with dsolve is very long.

Can you help me to set you method in my file ?

Thanks a lot for help.

New file :


How can i send you the file ?

Here is the file:

Thank you for help.


Thank you.

I would like a method keeping the step using dsolve ?

Have some ideas to do this that is to say to plot z = f(x) after having used dsolve ?

Thanks a lot for your help. 

Thanks a lot !!!
It runs !!!

Thanks a lot !!!
It runs !!!

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