
41 Reputation

3 Badges

14 years, 363 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Bibinou


I tried with several values of f in the range 0.5 to 100 and don't see any animation.
Values of A are well scrolling from 0 to 360 but the view is not changing. Does this problem come from the Maple 13 version?

thanks for your time.


I tried with several values of f in the range 0.5 to 100 and don't see any animation.
Values of A are well scrolling from 0 to 360 but the view is not changing. Does this problem come from the Maple 13 version?

thanks for your time.

Thanks Christopher2222,

I tried with my polynomial P, but Maple returns an error.

1) How do you determine the z value in the second argument difining the offset axis of rotation? You put it as 1 value in your script.

r[c]:=rotate(r[0], a, [ [-1,1,0] , [-1,1,1] ] ):  # defining our offset axis of rotation

2) Moreover, it seems to be astonishing that (according to my polynomial), the z value of the minium is 30.60. As regard to the paraboloïd, it sould be not far from 0 and not give a big value...

Perhaps I did a mistake in my script below: 







restart; gc()

with(plots); with(plottools)

P := 10.715691225750079453-.52581617253900429073*x+.50951826882694897598*x^2-32.921695149953028411*y+45.846724612790471380*y^2-5.9292825745917680635*x*y



The partial derivatives

a := diff(P, x)



b := diff(P, y)



solving for x and y

solve({a, b}, {x, y})

{x = 4.176478092, y = .6291094338}


find the value of z at the x and y point

subs({x = -1, y = 1}, P)



Hence our minimum point (or vertex of our paraboloid) is [4.176478092,.6291094338,30.60533770] and we'll need that so we can define our axis of rotation

PP := plot3d(P, x = -1 .. 7, y = 0 .. 1, axes = box, shading = zhue)

a := (1/20)*Pi; c := 1; while evalf(a-2*Pi) < 0 do r[c] := rotate(r[0], a, [[4.176478092, .6291094338, 30.60533770], [4.176478092, .6291094338, 30.60533770]]); a := a+(1/20)*Pi; c := c+1 end do

Error, (in plottools:-rotate) invalid plot structure: r[0]


display([seq(r[i], i = 0 .. c-1)], insequence = true, orientation = [45, 45], shading = zhue, axes = box)

Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structures but received: [r[0]]



restart; gc()


P := 10.715691225750079453-.52581617253900429073*x+.50951826882694897598*x^2-32.921695149953028411*y+45.846724612790471380*y^2-5.9292825745917680635*x*y;



Q := plot3d(P, x = -1 .. 7, y = 0 .. 1):

T:=[seq(plottools:-rotate(Q , A, [[4.176478092,0.6291094338,30.60533770] , [4.176478092,0.6291094338,0] ),A=0..evalf(2*Pi),evalf(Pi/20))]:

Error, unable to match delimiters

T:=[seq(plottools:-rotate(Q , A, [[4.176478092,0.6291094338,30.60533770] , [4.176478092,0.6291094338,0] ),A=0..evalf(2*Pi),evalf(Pi/20))]:


plots:-display(T, insequence = true, axes = box, labels = [x, y, z])

Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structure but received: T




Thanks Christopher2222,

I tried with my polynomial P, but Maple returns an error.

1) How do you determine the z value in the second argument difining the offset axis of rotation? You put it as 1 value in your script.

r[c]:=rotate(r[0], a, [ [-1,1,0] , [-1,1,1] ] ):  # defining our offset axis of rotation

2) Moreover, it seems to be astonishing that (according to my polynomial), the z value of the minium is 30.60. As regard to the paraboloïd, it sould be not far from 0 and not give a big value...

Perhaps I did a mistake in my script below: 







restart; gc()

with(plots); with(plottools)

P := 10.715691225750079453-.52581617253900429073*x+.50951826882694897598*x^2-32.921695149953028411*y+45.846724612790471380*y^2-5.9292825745917680635*x*y



The partial derivatives

a := diff(P, x)



b := diff(P, y)



solving for x and y

solve({a, b}, {x, y})

{x = 4.176478092, y = .6291094338}


find the value of z at the x and y point

subs({x = -1, y = 1}, P)



Hence our minimum point (or vertex of our paraboloid) is [4.176478092,.6291094338,30.60533770] and we'll need that so we can define our axis of rotation

PP := plot3d(P, x = -1 .. 7, y = 0 .. 1, axes = box, shading = zhue)

a := (1/20)*Pi; c := 1; while evalf(a-2*Pi) < 0 do r[c] := rotate(r[0], a, [[4.176478092, .6291094338, 30.60533770], [4.176478092, .6291094338, 30.60533770]]); a := a+(1/20)*Pi; c := c+1 end do

Error, (in plottools:-rotate) invalid plot structure: r[0]


display([seq(r[i], i = 0 .. c-1)], insequence = true, orientation = [45, 45], shading = zhue, axes = box)

Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structures but received: [r[0]]



restart; gc()


P := 10.715691225750079453-.52581617253900429073*x+.50951826882694897598*x^2-32.921695149953028411*y+45.846724612790471380*y^2-5.9292825745917680635*x*y;



Q := plot3d(P, x = -1 .. 7, y = 0 .. 1):

T:=[seq(plottools:-rotate(Q , A, [[4.176478092,0.6291094338,30.60533770] , [4.176478092,0.6291094338,0] ),A=0..evalf(2*Pi),evalf(Pi/20))]:

Error, unable to match delimiters

T:=[seq(plottools:-rotate(Q , A, [[4.176478092,0.6291094338,30.60533770] , [4.176478092,0.6291094338,0] ),A=0..evalf(2*Pi),evalf(Pi/20))]:


plots:-display(T, insequence = true, axes = box, labels = [x, y, z])

Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structure but received: T




Dear all,

thank you for your answers. I tried to put the arguments on my Maple 13 worksheet (see uploaded file),

but I would like that my paroboloid moves on z axis passing through the centre of the paraboloid.

Moreover, by comparing the two curves (the static one, and the animated one) it seems as if these two curves are not the same.

Have you any clues?

Dear all,

thank you for your answers. I tried to put the arguments on my Maple 13 worksheet (see uploaded file),

but I would like that my paroboloid moves on z axis passing through the centre of the paraboloid.

Moreover, by comparing the two curves (the static one, and the animated one) it seems as if these two curves are not the same.

Have you any clues?

Nice I can see it move now with Maple 13 version.

Only the curve is moving. Is it possible to make also the axis move together with the curve?

Nice I can see it move now with Maple 13 version.

Only the curve is moving. Is it possible to make also the axis move together with the curve?

I get exactly the same error on Maple 13

Error, (in plots/animate) expecting option orientation to be of type [realcons, realcons] but received [-47, -360., -47]

I get exactly the same error on Maple 13

Error, (in plots/animate) expecting option orientation to be of type [realcons, realcons] but received [-47, -360., -47]

Thank you Georgios for your prompt answer.

However in the case of your polynomial, A is a variable.

In my polynomal, a, b, c, d, e, f are all constants and

I don't really know where to put the argument A to have a 0 to 2Pi rotation on the z axis.

Thank you Georgios for your prompt answer.

However in the case of your polynomial, A is a variable.

In my polynomal, a, b, c, d, e, f are all constants and

I don't really know where to put the argument A to have a 0 to 2Pi rotation on the z axis.

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