
50 Reputation

6 Badges

11 years, 198 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by BoeR

Good day,I was wondering what I do wrong when I use this procedure, which I want to plot.I just created a small procedure and don't know why the two methods are different.Maple_-_Proc_IF_THEN.mwThank you.Greetings, Frank
Good day, Is it possible to plot multiple (more than two) functions with 'dualaxisplot'?I've found some information about it on the Internet, which helped me out a lot, but I still don't know how to put in multiple functions in one dualaxisplot.For example I would like to plot a figure which consists of four functions, all of them having their own domain(!).Three of them are related to the 'left' y-axis, and the fourth function is related to the 'right' y-axis.Comment: I wanted to insert the formula over here, which I use to plot the dualaxisplot, but the 'dualaxisplot-command' isn't working ("You have entered an invalid Maple plot command").So for example, I do know how it works with two formulas, like:dualaxisplot(plot(2x,view=[0..10,0..20],labels=[x,left=2x],legend=2x),plot(x^2,view=[0..10,0..100],labels=[x,right=x^2],legend=x^2,color=blue)); Now I can independently change the left and right y-axis like I want to. Now I would like to have the shape of the next graph:The trhee formulas which belong together, and that I want to relate to the left axis (making one line), consist of: horziontal line, linear line, horizontal lineThe other line I want to relate to the right y-axis, which is a linear line. So I can write the four functions for example like:restart;with(plots):eq1:=50,x=0..3:eq2:=(50/(5-3))*(5-x),x=3..5:eq3:=0,x=5..10:eq4:=10x,x=0..10: I thought I could 'join' the (first) three functions by using the '{' and '}' symbols, but that isn't working either. Somebody has a suggestion?Or that it just isn't possible at all.... Thanks anyway for thinking along. Greetings, Frank   
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