
50 Reputation

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11 years, 222 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by BoeR

Hi acer,

I'm very pleased how everything looks right now!
I knew it was possible, but I didn't know how...didn't know where to look for (plottools; rectangle).
You learned me something new again, nice.


And about your question: indeed, that was my problem too, being transparent for one thing, but not for the gridline...

Hi acer,

I'm very pleased how everything looks right now!
I knew it was possible, but I didn't know how...didn't know where to look for (plottools; rectangle).
You learned me something new again, nice.


And about your question: indeed, that was my problem too, being transparent for one thing, but not for the gridline...

Thank you for the explanation.
I'll look it up to get more detailed info about it.

Thank you for the explanation.
I'll look it up to get more detailed info about it.


So I used your way of plotting and that indeed worked!
But I always use display({A,B,C,E}, etc.etc.etc.) which doesn't give me the same result!
I added a function F:=plot(2x,legend="2x") to your list and tried to plot them in both manners: yours and mine. It turned out that your method put the function '2x' at the end of the legend, while my method put the function '2x' up front (ofcourse, I prefer to have the function at the end of the legend).

Can you explain me the difference in command, or maybe shoud I ask whether you know why this is.
But okay, I will use plots[display](etc.etc.etc.), that is exactly what I wanted.

Strange to me, but thanks for your reply!


PS. I use Maple 16, forgot to mention in the first post. Maybe this is of importance.


So I used your way of plotting and that indeed worked!
But I always use display({A,B,C,E}, etc.etc.etc.) which doesn't give me the same result!
I added a function F:=plot(2x,legend="2x") to your list and tried to plot them in both manners: yours and mine. It turned out that your method put the function '2x' at the end of the legend, while my method put the function '2x' up front (ofcourse, I prefer to have the function at the end of the legend).

Can you explain me the difference in command, or maybe shoud I ask whether you know why this is.
But okay, I will use plots[display](etc.etc.etc.), that is exactly what I wanted.

Strange to me, but thanks for your reply!


PS. I use Maple 16, forgot to mention in the first post. Maybe this is of importance.

I'm glad you corrected me with if a:=. That should indeed be if a=. That was a typing error, which I should not have made.
But I did not know how to sum the statements. It tried to seperate them by commas, put them between brackets, paranthesis, etc. I think I've had every combination possible, accept for seperating them by (semi)colons.
Thanks for your answer.

I'm glad you corrected me with if a:=. That should indeed be if a=. That was a typing error, which I should not have made.
But I did not know how to sum the statements. It tried to seperate them by commas, put them between brackets, paranthesis, etc. I think I've had every combination possible, accept for seperating them by (semi)colons.
Thanks for your answer.



Is there a way to assign mutiple variables at once using the 'if-then' statement?
For example: if A:=3, then B:=434 and C:=52 and H:=2039
So that I fill in these variables B, C and H one time and then when A is chosen to be a value, all other values are assigned automatically. Like filling in a table actually.

In a simple 'if-then' statement I assign one variable, which works well.
if a:=10 then b:=4
elif a:=20 then b:=3
end if:
b ends up being 4

I don't know how to add variable C and H, without getting an error.

It should be very simple in my opinion, but I just don't see it.


Hello again,

So I was told I could use the Explore function like:


But when it wants to plot, it gives an error:
'Unrecognised function "Volume" where PLOT DAG expected'.

I would like to know how I can avoid this error.

Thank you in advance.


Ha, just looked up how to deal with avoiding the 'skip' procedure with the use of the Explore function, and ended up at your post in 2011, funny. (
But to the point: no offence, but this is way to much programming for me :)
I'll stick to your 'normal' Explore function, but íf you do come up with an solution for that error, then I would use that one. It is more clear to the reader in that way.

Anyway, I tried some different functions (easier ones), but everytime I got that error. I can't find any info about it on the Internet either. Strange to me, cause I'm not the first one who ended up having this error, right?

Ah well, see you around.
Thanks for your answer!


Ha, just looked up how to deal with avoiding the 'skip' procedure with the use of the Explore function, and ended up at your post in 2011, funny. (
But to the point: no offence, but this is way to much programming for me :)
I'll stick to your 'normal' Explore function, but íf you do come up with an solution for that error, then I would use that one. It is more clear to the reader in that way.

Anyway, I tried some different functions (easier ones), but everytime I got that error. I can't find any info about it on the Internet either. Strange to me, cause I'm not the first one who ended up having this error, right?

Ah well, see you around.
Thanks for your answer!


Hello Acer,

Thank you for your reply!
First of all: the second method I used I had a typo in it ('labelsdirection' instead of 'labeldirections'). My apologies for that!
But still, I'm glad that I questioned this, because you came up with a great alternative; your first method of doing it, by using the operator `F`.
But too bad that it doesn't work when I run it; it comes up with an error: 'Unrecognised function "F" where PLOT DAG expected'.
I do like the method you proposed, cause that came up in my thoughts as well, only I didn't know how to formulate it.

And for the second method, that indeed works fine, but I'm using Maple 16, so indeed I have to 'skip' the parameters that I don't want to involve in the equation.
But I believe I saw something on the Internet about skipping the 'skip'-buttions.
I'll look in to that I guess.

I hope you have a solution for me about the first method which involves the 'operator'.



Hello Acer,

Thank you for your reply!
First of all: the second method I used I had a typo in it ('labelsdirection' instead of 'labeldirections'). My apologies for that!
But still, I'm glad that I questioned this, because you came up with a great alternative; your first method of doing it, by using the operator `F`.
But too bad that it doesn't work when I run it; it comes up with an error: 'Unrecognised function "F" where PLOT DAG expected'.
I do like the method you proposed, cause that came up in my thoughts as well, only I didn't know how to formulate it.

And for the second method, that indeed works fine, but I'm using Maple 16, so indeed I have to 'skip' the parameters that I don't want to involve in the equation.
But I believe I saw something on the Internet about skipping the 'skip'-buttions.
I'll look in to that I guess.

I hope you have a solution for me about the first method which involves the 'operator'.



Some Enters I put in are working perfect, but it seems that the first post is always messed up!
I don't do anything different than all other times.

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