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19 Badges

5 years, 48 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by C_R


X := Matrix([[1, -X3_3/2 - 1/2, 0, -X2_3], [-X3_3/2 - 1/2, -2*X3_4 - 1, X2_3, 0], [0, X2_3, X3_3, X3_4], [-X2_3, 0, X3_4, 1]]);
vars := [X3_4, X3_3, X2_3];
w := A^3 - A;
rootz := RootOf(w, A);
Pols := [(-A^2 + 1)/(3*A^2 - 1), (-A^2 - 1)/(3*A^2 - 1), A*(3*A^2 - 1)*1/(3*A^2 - 1)];
vals := {allvalues(eval(Pols, A = rootz))};
ecs := map(x -> convert(vars = x, listofequations)[], vals);
Xs := [seq(eval(X, ecs[x]), x = 1 .. numelems(vals))];
Xz := [seq(subs(ecs[x], X), x = 1 .. numelems(vals))];
Eigs := map(x -> Eigenvalues(x), Xs);
BolEigs := map~(type, Eigs, poszero);

For BolEigs there is probably a shorter version without seq.

Edit: Must be poszero not positive. I have corrected that in the above

Edit2: BolEigs replaced by something shorter in the above



Using allsolutions, the root selector of 0.25 indicates that Maple tackles part of the problem numerically

solve(x^x = 1/sqrt(2), allsolutions);

However, Maple 2023 could derive the exact solution

solve(x^x = 1/sqrt(a), {x});
eval(%, a = 2);
solve(x^x = 1/sqrt(a), {x}, allsolutions);
eval(%, [a = 2, _Z1 = 0, _Z3 = 0]);
eval(`%%`, [a = 2, _Z1 = 0, _Z3 = -1]);

I can't check right now if this is possible in Maple 2018.

I was wondering how many rational valued pairs (a, x) exist and if its worth writing code for this.

To verify what the worksheet does, I have plotted the path a cube on an air baring (almost friction less) would take when it is released from the carrousel.

Position of "cube" in the inertia frame after release from the carrousel at t=0.

r = r__0+I*v__0*t

r = r__0+I*v__0*t


lhs(r = r__0+I*v__0*t) = convert(rhs(r = r__0+I*v__0*t), polar)

r = polar(abs(r__0+I*v__0*t), argument(r__0+I*v__0*t))


convert(r = polar(abs(r__0+I*v__0*t), argument(r__0+I*v__0*t)), exp)

r = abs(r__0+I*v__0*t)*exp(I*argument(r__0+I*v__0*t))


with the speed of the "cube" at t=0

v__0 = r__0*`ω__0`

v__0 = r__0*omega__0


subs(v__0 = r__0*omega__0, r = abs(r__0+I*v__0*t)*exp(I*argument(r__0+I*v__0*t)))

r = abs(r__0+I*r__0*omega__0*t)*exp(I*argument(r__0+I*r__0*omega__0*t))


The angular orientation of carousel with respect to the inertia frame

`ϕ` = `ω__0`*t

varphi = omega__0*t


Describing r in the rotating carousel frame by rotating the position back by -`ϕ` 

r__car = rhs(r = abs(r__0+I*r__0*omega__0*t)*exp(I*argument(r__0+I*r__0*omega__0*t)))*exp(-I*`ϕ`)

r__car = abs(r__0+I*r__0*omega__0*t)*exp(I*argument(r__0+I*r__0*omega__0*t))*exp(-I*varphi)


`assuming`([simplify(subs(varphi = omega__0*t, r__car = abs(r__0+I*r__0*omega__0*t)*exp(I*argument(r__0+I*r__0*omega__0*t))*exp(-I*varphi)))], [`ω__0` > 0, r__0 > 0, v__0 > 0, t > 0])

r__car = r__0*(1+I*omega__0*t)*exp(-I*omega__0*t)


This is a logarithmic spiral superposed with the unit circle

subs(r__0 = 1, `ω__0` = evalf((1/12)*Pi), r__car = r__0*(1+I*omega__0*t)*exp(-I*omega__0*t))

r__car = (1+(.2617993878*I)*t)*exp(-(.2617993878*I)*t)


plots:-complexplot([10*exp(I*t), rhs(r__car = (1+(.2617993878*I)*t)*exp(-(.2617993878*I)*t))], t = 0 .. 37.76, view = [-10 .. 10, -10 .. 10], gridlines, axes = boxed, title = (r__car = (1+(.2617993878*I)*t)*exp(-(.2617993878*I)*t)))



Download carousel_kinematics.mw

This seems to match your simulation. Depending on the reference frame in which the path is defined it is either a spiral or a straight line.

To your question of placing thrusters: The ode “only” allows to add complex thrusters. For example:   

results in a straight line. The path highly depends on the amplitude, the signs of the exponent, the phase and the frequency. The above thrust terms is intersting to play with and shows the advantages of having a complex description.

Now, if you want to trace a specific curve, you are dealing with an inverse dynamics problem: For a given path/trace you have to find a thruster function that adjust the thrust in a way that the integration of the ode matches your curve.

This should be possible if complex Fourier series are used.

  • In a first step a Fourier description of your target curve in the carrousel frame has to be found
  • Secondly, this description has to be transformed to its counterpart in the inertia frame, which (to keep it “simple”) should be done at constant angular velocity of carousel.
  • In the inertia frame the counterpart of the curve is now given in a parametric form, depending on the parameter time. To follow this kinematic path, a complex Fourier force series has to be derived. This is the inverse dynamics part. If I am not mistaken, two times differentiation w.r.t. to the parameter time should yield the force function. This is easy because in an inertia frame we do not have to deal with corriolis terms.
  • Once the force function has been found, this function has to be converted back to the rotating reference frame of the carrousel (this is the easiest part: multiplication by exp(1, -omega*t)).
  • Adding the force function to the ode and integration it should trace the desired curve.

Maple is particularly well suited for such an approach since series order and numerical fidelity can be set parametrically, and there are optimization tools. Would be interesting to see how good this works.

Concering rolling without slipage: A rolling ball with the same mass as the cube will trace a different path since gyroscopic effects lead to external forces acting on the ball that change the balls impulse in the inertia frame. I will try to demonstrate this in a separate post because this is cannot to be solved with a description in the complex plance.

What I do for a horizontal split is copy&pasting the lower part of the table and then deleting the lower part of the table.

So far this also works with equation labels. I have not tried to cut and paste yet, because I like to compare before deleting.

This however does not work when in the body below the table equation labels of the table are used. These references are lost. This use case would justify a split option in the menues.


I had no time to study the whole thread in detail.

Just in case that you are still looking for a way that uses the same input for real valued input or integer input as well as for definite and semi-definite integrals, you can use the method _Dexp this way

Digits := 32



"evalf(Pi *Int(2*299792458^2*662607015*10^(-8)*10^(-34)/((exp(299792458*662607015*10^(-8)*10^(-34)/(1380649*10^(-6)*10^(-23)*lambda*5772.0)) - 1)*lambda^5), lambda = 0 .. infinity ,method=_Dexp));"



evalf(I*Pi*nt((2*299792458^2*662607015)*10^(-8)*10^(-34)/((exp((299792458*662607015)*10^(-8)*10^(-34)/(1380649*10^(-6)*10^(-23)*lambda*5772))-1)*lambda^5), lambda = 0 .. infinity, method = _Dexp))



"evalf(Pi*Int(2*299792458^2*662607015*10^(-8)*10^(-34)/((exp(299792458*662607015*10^(-8)*10^(-34)/(1380649*10^(-6)*10^(-23)*lambda*5772.0)) - 1)*lambda^5), lambda = 380*10^(-9) .. 750*10^(-9),method=_Dexp));                                                   "



evalf(Pi*(Int((2*299792458^2*662607015)*10^(-8)*10^(-34)/((exp((299792458*662607015)*10^(-8)*10^(-34)/(1380649*10^(-6)*10^(-23)*lambda*5772))-1)*lambda^5), lambda = 380*10^(-9) .. 750*10^(-9), method = _Dexp)))




It is important to use the inert form of int which prevents symbolic evaluation and/or exact integration methods, which in your case leads Maple to treat the integral as a beeing complex.

Download Complex_radiant_excitance_-_integer_vs_real.mw

To your question why the solutions are different:

The solver analyses and classifies the problem and then applies various methods on the input. In your case, the input is different and the solver has (among other things) to remove a trivial solution when deriving p1.

However, the results are correct. It's more a question why is retruns false. I think it is the missing pole at c=0.

With Maple 2023.2 and Physics:-Version() = 1566, is returns true. Which versions do you use?



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2023.2, Windows 10, November 24 2023 Build ID 1762575`


p__1 := solve(c = p^a*p^b, p); p__2 := solve(c = p^(a+b), p)






is(p__1 = p__2)



Comparing your solution








plots:-complexplot3d(proc (c) options operator, arrow; -ln(1/c) end proc, -2-2*I .. 2+2*I, title = -ln(1/c))


plots:-complexplot3d(proc (c) options operator, arrow; ln(c) end proc, -2-2*I .. 2+2*I, title = ln(c))




plots:-complexplot3d(proc (c) options operator, arrow; -ln(1/c)-ln(c) end proc, -2-2*I .. 2+2*I, title = -ln(1/c)-ln(c))



Download solve_exp.mw

Could this work for you?



U = RandomVariable(Uniform(a, b)),V = RandomVariable(Uniform(c, d));

U = _R, V = _R0



Y = U*V^2

Y = U*V^2




Y = (1/6)*(a+b)*(c^2+c*d+d^2)



Unit side note (if this is also of interest for the students):

Using equations to define physical quantities is my prefered way of using units. In the same way, equations are used in the above to declare random variables to derive a general solution for the mean. In a second step a,b,c,d could be replaced by physical quantities (again using equation expressions). Doing the replacement/substitution in a later stage does not expose library commands used in the derivation process to units which increases the success rate.  In the case of Mean this  precaution is not required since Mean seems to handle units and could be used in RandomVariable or with RandomVariable. Both uses would results in a general solution for the mean where a,b,c,d are dimensionless with the danger that wrong values are plugged in for numerical evaluation. For this reason I did not include these two variants (which I consider not a good practise).

In a nutsshell, random variables should be used before using units in a derivation process for statistical magnitudes.

Download Alg_with_RandomVariable.mw

For the x-axis, there is an ugly but simple solution: add spaces.

This works for the y-axis when the label can be rotated (acceptable for words but not for symbols).

For the y-axis in your example, textplot works better.

yLabel:=plots:-textplot([-1,3,"y"], 'align'={'below', 'right'},font=["times","roman",10]):
p:=plot((x -> 1/abs(x))(x),x=-4..4):
plots:-display(p,yLabel, view = [-4 .. 4, 0 .. 3],labels=["                                                                        x",""])

You can use type to check if an expression is of tye equation and use it in an if statement in combination with a not command


Same for other types

Maple assumes that k and x in your expression are complex.

To get the expected ouput, assumptions on k and x are required

assume(x::real, k::real);

or after restart

(simplify(%) assuming (k::real, x::real));



which assumes that all variables are real valued

Edit: If you want less ticks on the axes, add the option tickmarks

plot(1/x, x = 1 .. 10, tickmarks = [5, 5])

More convenient is to select the plot with a right-click and go to axes, properties, tickmarks


If you want to plot points only:

  • With the plot command you can add the option numpoints=5 and change the the plotstyle to point (either by an option or the plot menu when the plot is selected)
plot(1/x, x = 1 .. 10, numpoints = 5, style = point)
  • Or: To plot points you can use the command plots:-pointplot in combiantion with a list of points you have to generate

The number of activations depends on the license bought.

For your tests, you can either contact support for a temporary additional license or install a test version from a website. Via support you might get an extended test period if Maplesoft is interested in your tests. This could be if the tests are extended and systematic (which seems to be the case).

Another way is to use an older version of Maple for the test but this might not be conclusive. 

Or subscribe for beta testing to get an addional license for tests.

Regarding your question why Maple is not providing an explicit solution:

Maple classifies this ode as separable

and applies


with the solution

This solution does not satisfy the initial condition and therefore no solution is returned. The IC represents a singularity for this solution (not for your solution and not for vv's last solution).

Only if called with the implict option, c__1 can be determined


The separation method leads to a dead end without a proposal where to go from there (e.g. series).
I had no time to check if DEtools commands could lead to the solutions from nn and vv. 


I only get the error with 2023 (from time to time). All on Windows 10.

By the way: 2022 uses considerably more time and memory.


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2018.2, Windows 10, November 25 2018 Build ID 1364888`


CodeTools:-Usage( DEtools:-symgen(ode));

memory used=10.28GiB, alloc change=364.97MiB, cpu time=5.97m, real time=6.79m, gc time=25.78s



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2019.2, Windows 10, November 26 2019 Build ID 1435526`



memory used=19.75GiB, alloc change=338.66MiB, cpu time=12.38m, real time=13.79m, gc time=62.39s



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2020.2, Windows 10, November 11 2020 Build ID 1502365`



memory used=28.45GiB, alloc change=416.93MiB, cpu time=18.74m, real time=20.33m, gc time=83.95s



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2021.2, Windows 10, November 23 2021 Build ID 1576349`



memory used=53.43GiB, alloc change=355.87MiB, cpu time=15.76m, real time=15.26m, gc time=107.69s



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2022.2, Windows 10, October 23 2022 Build ID 1657361`



memory used=86.76GiB, alloc change=175.63MiB, cpu time=51.35m, real time=48.15m, gc time=9.84m



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2023.2, Windows 10, November 24 2023 Build ID 1762575`



memory used=8.62GiB, alloc change=110.76MiB, cpu time=4.37m, real time=4.10m, gc time=39.73s


Download trig_reduce_reply.mw

To your question: How did you learn Maple?

I learned pretty much as you did, through examples. Not so long ago, the descriptive part of the help pages was often unclear to me. This was due to several reasons. In particular, I did not understand or misinterpreted terms used in the descriptions. Take, for example, the term operator. If you've learned it from a simple programming language context (as I did), you most likely won't understand descriptions in a mathematical context or in Maple’s programming language context. There are many more nuances than you might expect. Maple help distinguishes these two contexts by providing definitions (which are mostly mathematical/logical and indicated by a D symbol) and help pages for Maple language elements indicated by a question mark in the Search Result Tab of the help system.

Some tips:

  1. Look up all terms in a sentence you do not understand and search first in the help system (then in other resources).
  2. Read slowly and stay focused. This may sound silly but helps to spot important nuances in phrases. Consider that the pages have been written with a mathematical mindset, striving for exactness and reduction to the essential. No fluff and no repetition.
  3. Do not overlook the “See also” links of a help page. They sometimes provide what you were searching for.
  4. Ask here if you have difficulties interpreting a description.
  5. Make yourself familiar with computer algebra specialties like the evaluation of expressions, types, operators, functions, and procedures. If you understand that the sine function in Maple is referred to as an elementary mathematical function but is of (Maple) type procedure, then you are not a newbie anymore.
  6. Walk through the table of contents to get an overview of what is contained in the help system. You will be amazed at how many things you discover for the first time.
  7. Be persitent. There will be a moment when the descriptions start making sense.

Quick learning?

Depends on your objectives. I sometimes feel that reaching the bottom is impossible. I would still recommend studying advanced examples and consulting help resources. That's a good mixture of improving your skills and understanding Maple. Maybe ?ProgrammingGuide is good to learn in a structured manner after you got started (which I assume you have).

Have a look also at these: ?StudyGuides, ?Student, ?worksheet,help,appsexamples.", ?examples,index


Hope this helps

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