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19 Badges

5 years, 120 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by C_R

As I learned here Maple is also a multi-paradigm programming language.

I was wondering how Maple compares in this chart.

Even though I am not a computer scientist, I would say that Maple is on a par with the number one (not sure about pipelines).

Would this claim be correct?

I have noticed a substantial difference between the memory Maple displays per worksheet

and what the task manager (red arrow) indicates. After kernel restart it looks like this

What Maple displays does not seem to correlate with the physical memory used/allocated.

What is actually displayed and how can we make use of this information?

Also: Is the displayed Time the total process time or the time the Gui waits for the server to reply? Hard to tell.


What might be the reason for the GUI loosing icons during a session? It looks like this

Mouse over let the icons reappear.

This problem is not new to me and only happens from time to tim

I have not found out under what conditions this happens.
The only thing I can say is that I didn't see it after restarting Maple.
And: Only the icons on the left-most disappear.

Everything under Windows 10

Has anyone seen the same thing?

Any idea how to fix this?

If a type is not known, an error is thrown

Error, type `foo` does not exist

Since no error is thrown, these types are known

type({},'{}');# why that output?


I would have expceted {} and [] to be listed as subtypes of set and list since their counterparts (nonemptylist and nonemptyset) exist. Technically the types {} and [] are not needed since negating



works.  However, the types exist, hence my question

This is for my understanding (and the proper use of Maple terms)

?simplify refers to them (sqrt in this case) as procedures



simplify(16^(3/2), sqrt);

?combine calls them (this time exp and trig) names of options

combine(exp(sin(a)*cos(b))*exp(cos(a)*sin(b)),[trig,exp]);#why the list?
                        exp(sin(a + b))

combine(exp(sin(a)*cos(b))*exp(cos(a)*sin(b)),trig,exp);#no list
                        exp(sin(a + b))

combine[trig](exp(sin(a)*cos(b))*exp(cos(a)*sin(b)));#no exp required?!?
                        exp(sin(a + b))

                        exp(sin(a + b))

If the terms command options and command procedures can be used interchangeably, how does evalf[4](...) fit into this scheme? 

Is there a special Maple term for the construct "proc[n]" where proc is a procedure/command name and n is not a name but of type numeric?

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