2982 Reputation

19 Badges

5 years, 123 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by C_R

In the attached model I have tried (among other things) to simulate a disk pendulum without friction.

The simulation shows bouncing and angular lock.

There are also 3 warnings and an initialization problem that I could not fix.

How can the model be improved?



Rolling without friction worked fine here.

This text is typed directly into the browser. I can now change the font size to something bigger. I can also change the font from Default to something else.

This text in Calibri 11 was pasted from Word. What do I have to do to change it to MaplePrimes default font (which I have used above)? Selecting default from 

does not work because default is already selected when I put the cursor into the pasted text.

What is the default font type by the way? Can I change it permanetly?

All on Windows 10 and with Firefox.

I have expected the opposite. Is exp already optimised that hardware floats do not make sense or does the conversion of the argument to hardware floast eats up all the benefit of using hardware floats?

CodeTools:-Usage( for i from 1 to 100 by 0.1 do exp(i) end do):
CodeTools:-Usage( for i from 1 to 100 by 0.1 do (evalhf@exp)(i) end do):
memory used=1.54MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=16.00ms, real time=15.00ms, gc time=0ns
memory used=5.88MiB, alloc change=32.00MiB, cpu time=31.00ms, real time=33.00ms, gc time=0ns

I have just posted a question about whether it is possible to modify a procedure once the procedure is created.

It disappeared.

I either want to add an option or change the body of the procedure by replacing functions.

The procedure is generated by Maple commands so I cannot do the changes as if I would do it normally when entering by hand.

Is adding an option or changing the body possible?

I can extract the operands by doing op(eval(procname)). But I can neither extract the body nor assemble everything together.

I will delete this message in case the other message reappears.

This is about delayed input after executing this file Campo_Médio_spin_7_2_-_Forum_optimize_02.mw

from annother question dealing with very large physics expressions (containing about 100000 exponential functions).

The GUI shows but when I place the cursor in an inputline and type, characters are sometimes displayed with a huge delay (about 20 seconds). This is from time to time, i.e. not always. All on Windows 10, 64 Gb memory and 4 Gb graphic card memory.

Can someone reproduce this?

Has anybody experienced the same (kernel with large expressions & GUI not responsive)?

Anything that I can test or try?

(I had a similar question about file size but this time the file size is small 150 kB and no big plots are made.

Only the kernel has to deal with the large expression. Output displayed on the GUI is negligible.)

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