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19 Badges

5 years, 124 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by C_R

I cannot find anything in the documentation that could explain the below.


According to ?name  the character ? can be used in a name with the exception of beeing the first character.






Reentering the name in 2D




In 2D the nane "abc"?"" does not seem to exist.

Trying now as above

"abc"?:=a:"  abc"?""



returns an unexpected output.

"ab"?c:=b;"  "






seems to cut of everything that follows the question mark (including the question mark).
This could explain the output (3) as having been parsed as abc*abc.


The variable palette only lists the name entered in 1D.

What could explain the difference between 1D and 2D when "?" is used in a name.

Download Questionmark_in_2D_names.mw

I know to ways:

- calling the returned procedure with a value for the independend variable

- printing the procedure with interface(verboseproc=2)

The first requires a procedure and a values that work, the second is quite some typing.

Any other ways?


Update Nov 2024:
The option output = listprocedure provides a way.

I did expect the following two plot statements (MaplePrimes is only rendering one statement) to produce the same plot. What did I do wrong when using mod in plot?


`Maple 2024.1, X86 64 WINDOWS, Jun 25 2024, Build ID 1835466`


plot([seq([t, `mod`(t, 10)], t = 1 .. 100)])


plot(`mod`(t, 10), t = 0 .. 100)



Download mod_in_plot.mw

In this post about a non-linear system of equations solutions were sougth. It turned out that there were no non-trivial solutions for the given numerical values. However, with different numerical values there should be solutions.

In analogy to the fundamental theorem of algebra (which clearly states the number of roots),
I wonder if Maple provides commands that can estimate an upper bound of roots/solutions for a system of multivariate equations by analysing the structure of the system of equations rather than attempting to solve it.

I am not sure if rules, methods or theorems exist at all for multivariate problems. Maybe it is a stupid question but for me this was non-trivial for the case given above.

I am looking for something similar to color functions of plot3D. plot.options is directing me to plot,color where I cannot find an example. I tried


Error, (in plot) invalid color specification: floor(x)
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