Carl Love

Carl Love

27656 Reputation

25 Badges

12 years, 125 days
Wayland, Massachusetts, United States
My name was formerly Carl Devore.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Carl Love

The stated task can be done in Maple by

{seq}([seq](p[]), p= Iterator:-TopologicalSorts(4, {2<3}));

{[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 4, 3], [1, 4, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3, 4], [2, 1, 4, 3], [2, 3, 1, 4],
 [2, 3, 4, 1], [2, 4, 1, 3], [2, 4, 3, 1], [4, 1, 2, 3], [4, 2, 1, 3], [4, 2, 3, 1]}

You can put any number of inequalities in the second argument.

This command does not generate all the permutations and then filter them to get the ones that match the pattern. Rather, it generates only the ones that match in the first place.

You wrote:

map(X->`if`(has(X,2) and has(X,3) and ListTools:-Search(2,X)<ListTools:-Search(3,X),X,NULL) ,L);

The commands has and member are not the same thing! Using has for a job that can be done by member can be very inefficient and sometimes incorrect. Also, one shouldn't use map for a job that can be done by select (however, that's only slightly inefficient). Your code can be replaced by

select(P-> member(2,P,'p') and member(3,P,'q') and p<q, combinat:-permute(4));

Here's a little example that highlights the crucial difference between has and member:

L:= [3, x+2];


All your for loops could be replaced by a single very short elementwise operation:

Test:= Q =~ Multi

See help page ?elementwise.

It looks like you're trying to invert a symbolic 5x5 matrix by solving a system of equations. You could instead simply ask Maple for the inverse:

MAinv:= 1/MA

There is a tremendous amount known about symbolic matrix inverses, but perhaps you want to see what you discover on your own. That's fine. I won't spoil it by disclosing any findings. But I'll hint to you that you'll discover the same things easier if you make MA a 3x3 matrix. And you can make its entries such that you can tell immediately which row and column they come from:

M:= <a1,a2,a3; b1,b2,b3; c1,c2,c3>

I've made the following syntax changes, and now it runs:

  1. Replaced all "dot" multiplication by multiplication
  2. Put after (1+F[s])
  3. Changed D[a] to D__a

I also clarified the input style (indentation, line breaks, removal of superfluous parentheses, etc.), mostly to help me see where syntax changes might be needed.

eqn1:= {
    (1+1/beta)*diff(f(eta), eta, eta, eta) 
    - (1+F[S])*(diff(f(eta), eta)^2)
    + diff(f(eta), eta, eta)*f(eta) 
    + M*(A-diff(f(eta), eta))
    - 1/(R*D__a)*diff(f(eta), eta)
    = 0,
    diff(theta(eta), eta, eta)
    + 4/3*N*diff((1+(K-1)*theta(eta))^3*diff(theta(eta), eta), eta)
    + Pr*f(eta)*diff(theta(eta), eta)
    + (1+1/beta)*Pr*Ec*diff(f(eta), eta, eta)^2
    + M*Ec*(diff(f(eta), eta)-A)^2 
    = 0,

    #BCs at eta=0:
    f(0) = 0, theta(0) = 1+alpha*D(theta)(0), 
    D(f)(0) = 1+(1+1/beta)*lambda*(D@@2)(f)(0), 

    #BCs at eta=10:
    D(f)(10) = 0, theta(10) = 0
#Supply numeric values for parameters:
sys1:= eval(
    eqn1, {
        A = 1, Ec = .2, K = 2.5, M = .5, N = .5, Pr = 6.5, R = 1,
        alpha = .5, beta = 2, lambda = .5, D__a = .3, F[S] = 1

sol1:= dsolve(sys1, numeric);


I was skeptical about whether there was any theoretical justification for the square root term that I included in yesterday's Answer. Although it worked amazingly well for fitting your data, intuitive dimensional analysis tells me that sqrt(amps) is a bogus concept. I am not a battery expert, although I have long been curious about the thing that you've measured.

After lengthy web research (mostly on the technical pages of high-tech battery companies), I found that there is a model for precisely the phenomenon that you are measuring: Peukert's law, which says that t = C/i^k, where t is the time to drain the battery to a pre-set cut-off voltage at constant current i, and C and k are empirical constants specific to the battery. The exponent is called the Peukert constant for the battery, and it's a function of the battery chemistry and age. The range k = 1.05..1.2 is typical for lead-acid batteries for example. The is a function of the battery's size or "capacity"; its dimensions are (current x time).

This model fits your data extremely well (R-squared = 99.98%)! Assuming that you're just a battery hobbyist, the accuracy of your measurements is impressive.

Regarding plots combining data points and a function fitted to them: It's best to plot the data as discrete points. If they're plotted in connect-the-dots form, that tends to visually exaggerate the residuals.

Peukert's Law

A model for the time needed to discharge a battery to a specific voltage at constant current


Maple author: Carl Love <> 2024-September-6

Data collected by Thomas Dean


# Amps
A := <444, 218, 74, 312/10, 209/10, 119/10, 625/100>
# Time until battery discharges to 10.5 volts
T := <5, 15, 60, 3*60, 5*60, 10*60, 20*60>:

Model_Peukert:= unapply(Statistics:-PowerFit(A,T,i,summarize), i);

Model: 14182.414/i^1.28408026766874
              Estimate  Std. Error  t-value  P(>|t|)
Parameter 1    9.5598    0.0975      98.0834   0.0000
Parameter 2   -1.2841    0.0240     -53.4568   0.0000
R-squared: 0.9998, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9997

proc (i) options operator, arrow; HFloat(14182.413917653834)/i^HFloat(1.2840802676687426) end proc

    [<A|T>, Model_Peukert], (min..max)(A), style= [point, line],
    color= [COLOR(RGB, 1, 0, 0), COLOR(RGB, 0, 0.7, 0)],
    symbol= diagonalcross, symbolsize= 20, thickness= 2,
    view= [-max(A)/20..max(A), -max(T)/20..max(T)],
    labels= [
    axes= frame,
    labeldirections= [horizontal, vertical], labelfont= [helvetica, 16],
    legend= ["measured     ", "Peukert"],
    title= cat(
        "Time to discharge to 10.5 V at constant current\n"
        "Peukert model:  ",
        t = subsindets(Model_Peukert(i), float, evalf[3]),
    titlefont= [times, 16], gridlines= false



Like this:

FlattenSet:= (s::set)-> subsindets(s, set, (x-> `if`(x::set, x[], x))~)

The crucial difference between this and @vv 's Answer is that this only unpackages sets that are members of other sets.

The minimum shown is, of course, a bug. The correct value can be obtained by using the location option:

Min:= minimize(G(x,y),x=0..1,y=0..1, location);
   Min := 5.838093910 10 , {[{x = 0.8949243201, y = 0.9715796788}, -0.7102080449]}

eval(G(x,y), Min[2][1][1]);

Now, the erroneous value is still shown as the first number, but the true minimum is shown as the last number. Its correctness can be confirmed by direct evaluation and your plot.

This is the best that I could come up with so far. Its main drawback, to my mind, is that it creates a new DataFrame rather than just making a small change to the existing DataFrame. (In computer science lingo, we'd say that this doesn't operate inplace.)

data_2:= DataFrame(data_2, rows= [$1..upperbound(data_2, 1)])

My Answer is slightly different than @vv's because I assumed that you'd want to handle the more-general case of any number of rows in the new DataFrame. upperbound(..., 1) returns the number of rows, and the [$1.. ...] creates the list [1, 2, ..., nr], where nr is the number of rows.

I could easily have missed something easier. Although there are many help pages for DataFrame, they are not well organized IMO. In particular, the overview page ?DataFrame should at least list the name of every command specific to DataFrames, like the overview pages for most packages do.

Here's a way to find discrete local maxima. Suppose we have a list of (x,y)-points, sorted with respect to x, and we want the local maxima of the y-values.

#Generate test data by extracting a point-data matrix from a plot:
plot(sin(x), x= 0..5*Pi):
A:= indets(%, rtable)[]:

#Filter out consecutive equal y-values:
A1:= A[[seq](`if`(A[i,2]<>A[i+1,2], i, NULL), i= 1..upperbound(A)[1]-1)]:

#Find discrete local maxima:
        `if`(A1[i,2] > max(A1[[i-1,i+1],2], i, NULL),
        i= 2..upperbound(A1)[1]-1
        [[1.59043127800000, 1.], [7.87361657400000, 1.], [14.1568018700000, 1.]]




local D:

(A,B,C,D,S1,S2):= (
    [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [1,1,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1], [0,0,sqrt(2)/2]

use Student:-MultivariateCalculus in
    A1:= Angle(Plane(S1,B,C),Plane(S1,C,D))*180/Pi;
    A2:= Angle(Plane(S2,B,C),Plane(S1,C,D))*180/Pi
end use;







Just by blind guessing, I added a sqrt(x) term to the argument of the exponential, and I got a near-perfect fit! Both this new model and your original can be linearized, which gives more-accurate results and which can be probabilistically quantified.

MaplePrimes won't let me display my worksheet, but you can download it.


Here's the plaintext code from the worksheet:

# Amps
A := <444, 218, 74, 312/10, 209/10, 119/10, 625/100>:
## Time until battery discharges to 10.5 volts`
T := <5, 15, 60, 3*60, 5*60, 10*60, 20*60>:
f := x-> a*exp(1-x/b+c*sqrt(x));

#The above model f(x) can be linearized:
ln(f(x)) = (ln(a)+1) + (-1/b)*x + c*sqrt(x);
LinearParms:= <ln(a)+1, -1/b, c>:
P:= Statistics:-LinearFit(
    [1, x, sqrt(x)], A, ln~(T), x, output= parametervector, summarize

Model: 8.2359404+.12972487e-1*x-.58328210*x^(1/2)
              Estimate  Std. Error  t-value   P(>|t|)
Parameter 1    8.2359    0.2723      30.2450   0.0000
Parameter 2    0.0130    0.0027      4.7533    0.0089
Parameter 3   -0.5833    0.0647     -9.0137   0.0008
R-squared: 0.9920, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9880

Model:= eval(f(x), solve({seq}(P =~ LinearParms), {a,b,c}));
plot([<A|T>, Model], x= 0..444); 


The piecewise-linear appearance of the plots can be removed by using odeplot with option refine. This will greatly reduce the number of points needed for smoothness, and it will figure out the number of variable-stepsize points on its own. It's an implementation of something akin to the adaptive plotting of the regular plot command.

All of your plots can be done and should be done with odeplot. The refine option must be used in conjunction with the range option in the dsolve command. It cannot be used with the numpoints option.

If you're going to do multiple plots over different ranges, then, of course, the range you pass to dsolve should be a superset of them all. I changed the order of your plots below to avoid an ugly-looking warning. The warning happens when a plot with a small range is followed by a plot with a larger range. The warning can be completely ignored if the larger range fits in the range passed to dsolve. I suspect that the warning message was put in the code before the refine option existed.

Several other tips:

  • I relaxed the error tolerances to 1e-5 from your 1e-8. This is sufficient for accurate plotting, and it reduced the number of points in the largest plots by a factor of 4.
  • Use the parameters option to dsolve. I've shown you this before.
  • "Length of output exceeds ..." is not an error message or even a warning. It's an notification that Maple has sucessfully completed a calculation, but won't display it results because the amount of displayed data could seriously degrade the performance of the GUI display. The results of the calculation are still fully accessible.

MaplePrimes will not let me display this worksheet inline, I guess due to the large plots. You will see in the worksheet that they are all smooth.


Here is the complete code of the worksheet:

sys:= {
    diff(x(t),t) = x(t)*(r - b*x(t) - y(t)*(c + beta/(a+x(t)))),
    diff(y(t),t) = y(t)*(beta*x(t)/(a+x(t)) - mu)
ics:= {(x,y)(0)=~ (0.2, 0.05)}:
Param:= [r,b,c,a,mu,beta]:
ParamV:= [1, 1, 0.01, 0.36, 0.4, 0.75]:
sol:= dsolve(
    sys union ics, {x,y}(t), parameters= Param, numeric, maxfun= 0,
    range= 0..20000, (abserr, relerr)=~ 1e-5
sol(parameters= ParamV);
plots:-odeplot(sol, [t, (x,y)(t)], t= 0..20000, refine= 1);
#Number of computed points in plot:
Npts:= P-> [rtable_dims]~([indets(P, rtable)[]]):
    sol, `[]`~(t, [x,y](t)), t= 0..400, axes= boxed, gridlines,
    color= ["Blue", "Red"], title= "Trajectories\n", legend= [x,y](t)
eq_points_sym:= solve(eval(sys, diff= 0), {x,y}(t));
eq_points:= eval([eq_points_sym], Param=~ ParamV);
    sol, [x,y](t), t= 0..20000, refine= 1, color= red, thickness= 2,
    axes= boxed, gridlines, title= "Phase-space Diagram\n"

#Task 2
ParamV:= [1, 1, 0.01, 0.36, 0.4, 1]:
sol(parameters= ParamV);
plots:-odeplot(sol, [t, (x,y)(t)], t= 0..20000, refine= 1);
    sol, `[]`~(t, [x,y](t)), t= 0..400, axes= boxed, gridlines, refine= 1,
    color= ["Blue", "Red"], title= "Trajectories\n", legend= [x,y](t)
    sol, [x,y](t), t= 0..20000, refine= 1, color= red, thickness= 0.9,
    axes= boxed, gridlines, title= "Phase-space Diagram\n"
eq_points:= eval([eq_points_sym], Param=~ ParamV);

And here is my new version of the piecewisey plot that you showed in the Question. This is done with only 8733 points.

Here's how to get all the procedures neatly printed in the file:

SaveMyProcs:= proc(fname::string)
uses FT= FileTools, FTT= FileTools:-Text;
    save_interf:= interface(
        longdelim= true, indentamount= 4, verboseproc= 2, screenwidth= 100
    if FT:-IsOpen(fname) then FTT:-Close(fname) fi;
        fp:= FTT:-Open(
            fname, create= true, overwrite= false, append= true
        (P-> fprintf(fp, "%a:= %P;\n\n", P, eval(P)))~(
            select(type, [anames('alluser')], procedure)
    catch: error
            (longdelim, indentamount, verboseproc, screenwidth)=~
    end try;
end proc

#The things in green are things that you might want to change.

#The text file looks like this:
MakeUnique:= proc(L::list, n::{nonnegint, identical(infinity)} := 1, f := x -> x)
    local e, T;
    option remember;
    T := table('sparse');
    [for e in L do if T[f(e, _rest)]++ < n then e; end if; end do];
end proc;

SaveMyProcs:= proc(fname::string)
    local save_interf, fp;
    save_interf :=
        interface(longdelim = true, indentamount = 4, verboseproc = 2, screenwidth = 100);
    if FileTools:-IsOpen(fname) then
    end if;
        fp := FileTools:-Text:-Open(fname, create = true, overwrite = true, append = true);
        `~`[P -> fprintf(fp, "%a:= %P;\n\n", P, eval(P))](
            select(type, [anames('alluser')], procedure));
        error ;
        interface((longdelim, indentamount, verboseproc, screenwidth) =~ save_interf);
    end try;
    return ;
end proc;

This yields 0:

simplify(residual) assuming (n, x, a, b, y(x)) >~ 0

Some positivity assumptions are usually needed to simplify expressions that have exponents with variables (n in this case---and note that n appears both as a base and an exponent here).

By the way, why do you use coulditbe for this? I don't think that you understand what it means: It's called existential quantification in mathematical logic. In other words, coulditbe returns true if there exists one or more specific numeric valuations of the variables which would make the statement true and satisfy the current assumptions. Isolated-point numeric evaluations are worthless for verifying a symbolic solution of a differential equation.

The command's name literally comes from the English phrase "Could it be true that..." which means exactly the same thing as "Is it possible that...", not "Must it be true that..." or "Is it necessarily true that...".

The source of your thread-safety problem and kernel crashes is not the ListTools procedures. ListTools:-Search is unequivocally threadsafe; ListTools:-MakeUnique is threadsafe in its single-argument form. There are many commands that are threadsafe that don't appear on the page ?index,threadsafe. It's quite sad that year after year passes, yet these don't get added to that list. For example, any expert reading the code for ListTools:-Search could tell you in 10 seconds or less that it is threadsafe. If you wish, you can replace these ListTools commands by

Search:= (x, L::list)-> local p; `if`(member(x,L,p), p, 0):
MakeUnique:= (L::list)-> (e-> ((thisproc(e):= ()), e))~(L):

I believe that the thread conflict in your makeproc comes from it returning its results via the global sparse Array j11 rather than by the usual return mechanism. 

As @dharr said, see lines 5-14 of `plots/odeplot`. There are numerous keywords that can be passed to a dsolve/numeric solution procedure instead of a number. One of these is "sysvars", and I think it shows what you want:

ds:= dsolve({diff(y(x),x)=y(x), y(0)=1}, numeric):

[x, y(x)]

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