
5870 Reputation

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16 years, 218 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Christopher2222

@mmcdara this question shouldn't be deleted it is a new starting topic 

@Alfred_F oddly I can find no such old riddle across the internet for reference.

@Alfred_F are you saying 3 randomly chosen points?  Where all three points have a probability of being red or black?  The riddle seems incomplete.  It is not clear.

You could also insert a 1x1 table, and change the cell color - this also works well.  Douglas Maede had suggested that to me a long time ago when I was looking for the same thing.

The advantage of a table is, of course, having cells of different colors.  The title doesn't show well in this example 2x1 table because of the way colors work in html web pages I guess.

NULL`in`(Using*tables, Maple)

diff(sin(x), x)



diff(sqrt(sin(x)), x)






Climate Change




























@Carl Love I did not know about editing would reveal the content.  Thank you. 

Peer review and editors - yes of course I think periodicals should be peer reviewed and edited.

So if it's just clutter and no real contribution sure that's understandable.  But I believe if within the answer or post there is any maple code, it should be considered legitimate content. 


That's good but I've already shown how to do it in English.  My question was how to get that proof through Maple coding to calculate it through. 


Thanks for the constrained issue.  I didn't know it would angle with textplot.

Alternatively for you, the text would probably have to be a picture element in order to be rotated in an unconstrained mode.

I think if you just add probes to your maplesim model where you want the information from, you should get the results you want.

I have no experience making maplesim models but I think that should do the trick. 

First time I saw it I was expecting the ellipse to "bump" into the up part of the curve and continue.  Perhaps you could modify your code to do just that?

@mmcdara That's quite unfortunate for the maple community.  I saw your solution a few days ago since I'm always interested in any kind of frequency analysis.  I was just browsing the solution again today to my dismay found that you had removed it. 

Last I saw this was when I was at work earlier and didn't really have time to digest your answer, but have revisited it as I am home today thought I could read into it a bit more.  Maybe you could repost it here?

I don't think we should take non-responses from posters too literally or personally.  Of course it is disrespectful to not reply, it is curteous to reply.  There could be many reasons he/she hasn't  replied.  Maybe they were sick, car accident, vacation, or some other personal reason (Looking back he posted on Saturday a couple of days before school starts - so could even have been moving for University and getting set up on campus or something)

Personally I've found in society some people just don't even reply to emails, my own brother being one of them.  He doesn't always reply.  Some people here just drop in to ask a question for an answer and that's all they want, a quick answer.  I may have done that in another forum long time ago, I think it was a Matlab forum, or some CAD forum I think .. but I got busy didn't reply and forgot about replying - same case could be here.  I even think some of my solutions to some posts or questions have gone unanswered or unreplied.

Anyways my point is, it's nice to know that someone has a solution and can provide it, and the hope is - it can stay for others to read.

(edit added - just noticed he's posted another question 4 hours ago - that puts to rest a few ideas of why he didn't reply earlier).  I think if GFY would like a response he should reply to this post in kind)

@nm Nice!  That works great!  Thanks


Generally when I come across a seemingly "stalled" process I've found it's related to a large output.  Even on some smaller outputs I've sometimes found a colon to supress the output, but carry out the calculation, sometimes helps.  Otherwise, I have had to resort to completely shut down maple processes and restart. 

@Preben Alsholm The matrix browser has been around for a while.  But it looks like they have something mixed up in the underlying legend.  It doesn't affect anything else though.

Inject another value somewhere else in the matrix and it's fine.  It's just a visual issue that maple can easily adjust. 



I suspect Maple can't decide whether 0 is a high value or a low value and defaults to the non-zero value of the structure color of white. 

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