
12 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 202 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Court

CourtAshbaugh Thanks - I wrote the Evaluate and SetOption commands in a separate 'Action' statement as per your suggestion and it works well. Any ideas on the 'real-time' slider? What I mean by this is: Can you have a slider whose value is read 'while' the mouse button is down? There's a slider at the top of a Maple page during animations that does this. If you grab the slider and scan back and forth, it flips through the frames of the animation before you let go. Thanks again, Court
CourtAshbaugh Thanks - I wrote the Evaluate and SetOption commands in a separate 'Action' statement as per your suggestion and it works well. Any ideas on the 'real-time' slider? What I mean by this is: Can you have a slider whose value is read 'while' the mouse button is down? There's a slider at the top of a Maple page during animations that does this. If you grab the slider and scan back and forth, it flips through the frames of the animation before you let go. Thanks again, Court
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