Dave L

527 Reputation

18 Badges

20 years, 70 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Dave L

I submitted an SCR (bug report) for this topic this afternoon, including the details.

Best regards,
Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

Overwriting any of Maple's own system .lib or .mla files, and even toggling them as writable temporarily, is a Really Bad Idea. I truly hope that no other user will follow that unsafe advice.

Create your own personal .mla archive in a folder of your own (not Maple's primary lib folder), savelib to that, and then set libname in subsequent sessions in order to access that .mla.

You can add the command which appends to libname in your (personal) Maple initialization file.

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

Overwriting any of Maple's own system .lib or .mla files, and even toggling them as writable temporarily, is a Really Bad Idea. I truly hope that no other user will follow that unsafe advice.

Create your own personal .mla archive in a folder of your own (not Maple's primary lib folder), savelib to that, and then set libname in subsequent sessions in order to access that .mla.

You can add the command which appends to libname in your (personal) Maple initialization file.

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

Hi Joe,

You're right. An rtable should always be of type Matrix, Vector, or Array.

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving,
Dave L

Noted. Thanks for pointing it out, Alec.

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

Noted. Thanks for pointing it out, Alec.

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

I try to read everything here. I try to enter SCRs when I don't see them appear in the queues via this site. We certainly do appreciate it when people submit them via the form on this site.

There's also a lot to be learned from users' experiences, as reported on this site -- over and above any reported bugs. I've been developing Maple for over 10 years now, and reading Maple-related usenet groups during that time as well. But this site has a great deal to offer in terms of other feedback, at several levels. I consider that it's changed my perspective on Maple quite a bit.

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

Hi Alec,

For the most part, help pages examples are included in the automated testing of the Maple product. Some people have been working hard at making this more complete.

Here is what I get with the current development version.

> with(LinearAlgebra[Modular]):
> A1 := Random(31,5,4,integer[]);
                               [23     9     7    10]
                               [                    ]
                               [ 6    18    22    25]
                               [                    ]
                         A1 := [ 1    13    29    25]
                               [                    ]
                               [18    26     1    28]
                               [                    ]
                               [15     2    25     1]
> A2 := Random(31,20,30,float[8],Fortran_order):

> A2[1..10,1..10];
     [20.    26.    24.    3.     21.    21.    29.    2.     10.    9. ]
     [                                                                  ]
     [22.    18.    27.    26.    12.    1.     8.     14.    29.    23.]
     [                                                                  ]
     [9.     15.    8.     5.     26.    25.    18.    26.    11.    3. ]
     [                                                                  ]
     [14.    13.    14.    28.    6.     4.     22.    4.     25.    20.]
     [                                                                  ]
     [27.    13.    30.    1.     7.     10.    29.    15.    29.    6. ]
     [                                                                  ]
     [28.    17.    30.    27.    16.    7.     1.     22.    8.     12.]
     [                                                                  ]
     [22.    10.    10.    18.    5.     18.    16.    10.    20.    28.]
     [                                                                  ]
     [11.    28.    19.    6.     18.    17.    14.    30.    3.     22.]
     [                                                                  ]
     [20.    19.    12.    7.     16.    0.     4.     21.    22.    4. ]
     [                                                                  ]
     [12.    3.     29.    19.    0.     19.    15.    3.     30.    18.]
> A3 := Random(31,3,0,integer[]);
                                        [  ]
                                  A3 := [ 0]
                                        [  ]
> A4 := Random(31,0,5,float[8]);
                        A4 := [3., 13., 12., 30., 21.]

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

I generally agree with this. Some details are more complicated than suggested. The GPUs will bring speed. But to go to really big sizes for solving linear systems, there'd be a need for "out of core" solvers, due to both memory and bandwidth restrictions. I expect to see GPUs make an impact on numeric PDEs as well. The out-of-core aspects might be much harder to deal with than simply passing off to GPUs.

Maybe Paul can say something about using ClearSpeed boards with Maple.

I'm not sure to what the second "it" refers, in the sentence, "Will Maple do it or will it be obsolete?" Recall that, of Maple, Matlab, and Mathematica, it was Maple which first used accelerated BLAS (MKL for Windows, in Maple 6). But I might not say, publically, if I'd experimented with GPU programming using Maple's external calling mechanism.

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

Here is one way to pass arguments to maple from the shell.

#------------- runme ---- snip ------

# replace maple12 below with full path to your
# installed commandline maple script.

maple12 -q <<__EOM__
  $2($3, $4);
#-------- end of file --- snip ------

I toggle the script `runme` below as executable. Ie,

linux% chmod u+x runme

And then I create this text file which defines a function,

#------------ foo.mpl ------ snip --
bar := proc(x,y) sin(x*y); end proc:
#---------- end of file ---- snip --

At this point I can run it, passing arguments,

linux% ./runme foo bar '1/6' Pi

With a little creative work on the bash script you could get it to handle an arbitrary number of arguments.

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

It would be better if there were cross-references to the SurvivalFunction's help page on the help pages for CDF, PDF, etc.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

It would be better if there were cross-references to the SurvivalFunction's help page on the help pages for CDF, PDF, etc.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

It might even be possible for that error to be caught (followed by a pass-off to is) without the usual overhead of a try..catch.

Thanks for suggesting it (AJ and RI).

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

It might even be possible for that error to be caught (followed by a pass-off to is) without the usual overhead of a try..catch.

Thanks for suggesting it (AJ and RI).

Dave Linder
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

That's interesting. I wonder if the server log contains IP information.

Dave L

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