
10 Reputation

2 Badges

12 years, 163 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by DavidRusso

I am examining the curve given by


When I put this in and assign a number to any one variable, Maple always returns



I have tried changing the names of the variables, unnassigning variables, restarting Maple, etc. but I cannot plot a function of y with x, I always get y=0.8660254038, even with only one variable assigned to a value.  I am using the student version of Maple 17.




If I have spreadsheet data, x and y (velocity and time), I need to find distance.  I see numbers of ways to do this, however, I wonder what people would suggest as the fastest / easiest way.  I'm not needing a function really, just results.  Does Maple have tools to simplyify this process, and if not, what process(s) might yield results of determinable or selectable accuracy.  I will have many sets of data in the future that need to be manipulated...

I find I have a number of strange and unrelated errors.  I am new to Maple, but have been using Mathcad so am somewhat familiar with these systems. 

One of the problems I have has to do with confusion between literal and standard subscripts.  I find it difficult to get Maple to recognize literal subscripts using any of the recommended methods.  When I do get it to work, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, when I paste pieces of...

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