
5 Reputation

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4 years, 321 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Digeridoo

I'm using the 15 day trial as a Computer Science student. For my first project, Maple worked very well. I've been using the ApproximateInt() command. This command worked in the first assignment, and so I created a new document to start on my second assignment, and suddenly:

Entering the same ApproximateInt() command in a prompt line will not execute the command. Where it should display a plot of Riemann sums, it only displays the text I had entered. If I open the first document in which it was working properly, it also breaks upon re-iterating the command lines.

Image of expected behaviour:

Image taken right after pressing enter:

Is anyone familiar with this Maple behaviour? Thank you for any help. Meanwhile, I will attempt a reinstallation. The maple file is attached, as well.

P.S: Interestingly, the plot() command does work, as well as simple commands such as 1+2 (Displays "3")

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