180 Reputation

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18 years, 103 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by FDS

Dear Power Users, Dataframes are a powerful tool within Maple. However, when I have 'undefined' in cells "Aggregate" or "DataSummary" does not provide answers. However, when I use "Statistics:-Mean" with the additional option "ignore=true" I can get an answer for one column (see attached worksheet). Adding "ignore" to aggregate apparently does not work. What is the method for ignoring the undefined data? In Excel when a cell is blank it will be ignored. Thank you for any help given.MP_Aggregate.mw

Dear power users, I was wondering whether it is possible to import a xlsx file in such a way that the first row of the file is imported as column headers of the dataframe in Maple? Thank you in advance for any help given.

Dear Expert Users,

I am still struggling with my transition from Mathcad 15 to Maple. Would someone be so kind to look at the attached worksheet and how I can obtain the desired result? Thanks in advance. The data used in the example come from TestFleck.xlsx

QuestionPrimes.mw TestFleck.xlsx

I was working with a Dataframe when I wanted to change the datatype of multiple columns at the same time as this is quite a large dataframe. I found in the helpfile that I can change datatype by the following command: 

SubsDatatype(Data, plts, float) which then change the datatype of "plts" into float. I had hoped that using multiple columns in the command would work in this way: SubsDatatype(Data, [plts, act], float)  but apparently not. Is there a way to do this or do I have to do it column by column?

Additionally I have another question about dataframes. I would like to replace "0" in the dataframe by a "blank" as you can do in excel. How do you do this in a dataframe?

Thanks in advance for any help given!

Probably I am missing the obvious. In the attached worksheet the for statement gives me all results as desired but if I try to put this in a procedure I only get the last value. Could someone help me out. Thank you  ProcQuestion.mw

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