
Mr. Fereydoon Shekofte

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15 years, 71 days

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MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Fereydoon_Shekofte

salute ! all Maplesoft managers and employee programers ...

Is there any fortune in near future to have some kind of machin based "Proof Assistant" as built in part of Maple IDE ?

it can be better than COQ ?

also there is a great lack of user interactivity by Geometry and Geometry3d packages of maple !!!

for example most of the time it is nessesary (and more facilated) to define geometrical primitive shapes manually or making simple transformations and dissectings attaching ... rather than doing them programaticaly or by commands ?

even having traditional tools like compass ruler ... in pallettes of Geometry window ?



I want to calculate the ratio of the length of day and night for every latitude on earth ?
but i confused on using Maple in a wise way for finding the formula !
this is my demonstration :




the grat circle that divides the earth's surface into two dark and bright sides

[sin(t)*cos(tilt), cos(t), sin(t)*sin(tilt)]

[sin(t)*cos(tilt), cos(t), sin(t)*sin(tilt)]


circle of revolving of a point on earth in 24 hours

[sin(t)*cos(Latitude), cos(t)*cos(Latitude), sin(Latitude)]

[sin(t)*cos(Latitude), cos(t)*cos(Latitude), sin(Latitude)]


Visualization of dark and bright side the of earth


Explore(plots[display](plots[spacecurve]({[sin(t)*cos(tilt), cos(t), sin(t)*sin(tilt), color = red], [sin(t)*cos(Latitude), cos(t)*cos(Latitude), sin(Latitude), color = blue]}, t = 0 .. 2*Pi, scaling = constrained, thickness = 4, labels = [x, y, Latitudez], labeldirections = [horizontal, horizontal, vertical], axes = frame), plottools[rotate](plottools[hemisphere]([0, 0, 0], 1, capped = false, color = green, grid = [10, 10], style = surface), 0, tilt, 0), plottools[rotate](plottools[hemisphere]([0, 0, 0], 1, capped = false, color = black, grid = [10, 10], style = surface), 0, Pi+tilt, 0)), parameters = [tilt = 0 .. Pi, Latitude = -(1/2)*Pi .. (1/2)*Pi], initialvalues = [tilt = (1/2)*Pi+.409, Latitude = 1.16])



Download shekofte000.mw


I never expected that the reflected light direction of sun from moon in the sky would be so dificult to imagine ...

at the following article mentioned :

we derive an equation for the magnitude of the moon tilt illusion that can be applied to all con gurations of sun and moon in the sky.



since the calculations contains many steps and high level mathematical formula , there is no way rather to recourse to maple (powerful math assistant )

I hope there was adaptations between a lots of functions and predefined schema of maple and this problem so that the calculations and visualization facilitated several times ?

your effort will be a graet present for all the people of the world that look to the moon crescent everytime !


Is there any command in maple that can show us an assigned varibale how much bytes occupied on memory ?

a:=["just a string", 3.14 , 123 , x/y]

d:=array( 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [( 1, 1 ) = ("just a string"), ( 1, 2 ) = (3.14), ( 2, 1 ) = (123), ( 2, 2 ) = (x/y)  ] )

c:=a x^2 + b x + c

b := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = "just a string", (1, 2) = 3.14, (2, 1) = 123, (2, 2) = x/y})

b := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = "just a string", (1, 2) = 3.14, (2, 1) = 123, (2, 2) = x/y})



It should be great for benchmarking !

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