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These are replies submitted by GPY

@Rouben Rostamian  

it is unfortunately a requirement for the question I've been given..

@Carl Love 

yeah the formula for the iterator is exactly what's on Cheney and Kincaid Numerical Methods 6th edition; and the next step is to write similar code for the Halley's method. What I am clueless about is how to structure the recurrence relation for a function of my choice

@Carl Love 

sorry, the function was x(x-1)^3

I realized my error,thanks

@Carl Love 

changing g to a regular expression doesnt seem to work either

@Carl Love 

I'm using maple 18; here's what I've tried:


and the error is the same as before:

Error, invalid input: implicitdiff expects its 2nd argument, yx, to be of type {name, set(name), set(function(name)), function(name)}, but received x^3+y^3-1
Error, invalid input: implicitdiff expects its 2nd argument, yx, to be of type {name, set(name), set(function(name)), function(name)}, but received x^3+y^3-1



Thanks Kitonum! If I were to compute the derivatives at points where it existed, how would I do so?


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