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18 years, 131 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by GeorgeJ

Thank you Alec.  That works.

Followup question

Can anyone think of a way to import a column vector from Excel and assign that vector to x and then then do something which effectively accomplishes this

y:= x[1],x[2],x[3]...

It would be tedious to do this for a 100 x 1 vector.


The reason I ask is because with y defined as above y[i] can be used in the sum function whereas x[i] couldn't.  I use the sigma notation and I would like to have my expressions correspond as closely to standard math as possible so I would like to be able to avoid using the single quotes if possible.


Thank you for your response.


Actually, I was trying to find out how to use suboptions.  The help file states that adjusting the font of a legend is possible using the suboption "f" of the option "legendstyle" but I don't know what the syntax of this would look like.  It would help if I could see an example of the use of this (or any) suboption.


Thanks Robert,


That works perfectly.

Thank you Robert.  Sorry to be such a bother, but I've been away from MAPLE for about a year and even back then I ddin't know how to do this. 

Suppose I have already defined the plot variable G.  Can someone show me the exact MAPLESOFT commend that would display G with, say , 12 point Times Roman for the lables of the axes tickmarks.


Thank you.

Thank you both for the helpful information.
Thanks once again for your prompt reply. I am not at the computer I was at when I last posted. This one doesn't have MAPLE installed. I won't be on line for a few days but when I get back I'll upload the sheet I was referring to. -regards
Thank you Jacques. I'm beginning to see just how deeply I'm getting enmeshed here. This stuff is starting to make VB and C++ look positively trivial by comparison :) . O.K, I did what you said, and the only difference between the 2 files was that at the end of the file which had been generated under verboseproc=3, there was the additional line # [permanent](0, 0) = 1 That's a comment, right? So how could it affect the compile? what does the comment mean? I admit I was confused by the statement evalf('BesselJ'(...))? I'm not familiar with the construction evalf/BesselJ Is this type of construction explained somewhere? In fact, when I looked at the code of BesselJ(..)it seemed to me that it would go into an infinite recursive loop, which would blow out the stack in a very short period of time. It obviously doesn't do this, so I knew that my understanding was incorrect. Evidently (if I understand you correctly) evalf('BesselJ'(...)) doesn't constitute a call to BesselJ from within itself, it constitutes a call to something else! Well that may explain another wierd result I ran into while playing around with this stuff. This if from a MAPLE11 worksheet > sin(.25) 0.2474039593 >'sin'(.25) sin(.25) > BesselJ(0,0.5) 0.9384698072 > 'BesselJ'(0.0.5) −.2422684577 WHAT THE HECK !?! Its becoming clear to me that my asessment of the state of my ignorance about the inner workings of MAPLE increases with each post. Just a few more posts & I'll be convinced I know nothing at all!
I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack..... I'm in Command Line MAPLE, and I would like to save the entire session as a textfile before I close it. How might I do this?
It turns out that the command which worked is read("TestProc.mpl"); Well, I'm logging off now. I'm sure I'll be back soon with more very basic questions to test you folks patience :)
In order to familiarize myself with the command line, I used WordPad to create the file 'TestProc.mpl' which contains the following text f :=proc(x); 5*x; end proc; I saved the file to C:\Program Files\Maple 11\TestProc.mpl At the MAPLE Command line prompt I write read "TestProc.mpl" then when at the next line I input f(5) the resulting output is f(5), so clearly it hasn't read the file. Should I have saved it with a different file extension? If a read works, will the resulting text be displayed as if it had been entered at the keyboard? Curiously, if I enter read "C:\Program Files\Maple 11\testProc.mpl" I get an error msg saying that the reserved word 'read' is unexpected. Any help on how to read text into Command Line MAPLE would be appreciated.
Thank you for pointing out the usefulness of the Command line version. I have not used the command line before. It is casually mentioned in the Introductory Programming Guide and the Advanced Programming Guide. It had escaped my notice. If I might trouble you for one more question.... I used the method you described above and obtain a file "BesselJ.mpl". I opened this file with WordPad and sure enough, the relevant code, in text form, was there, along with just a bit of extraneous stuff at the beginning and end. I got rid of this stuff and did a bit of editing of the code in WordPad and then saved the file. Now how do I get the stuff from "BesselJ.mpl" back into command-line MAPLE? -Thank you
Thank you Jacques. O.K. Suppose a humble end-user like me wants to "fool around" with one of the MAPLE functions such as, for example, BesselJ(nu,x), with a view towards perhaps creating a modified version. You have informed me that the GUI is not the best environment for doing this. O.K., I will certainly defer to your much greater knowledge about this. I would sure appreciate it if you or someone else could suggest how it might be possble, if indeed it is possible, to do what I am trying to do by means of some environment other than the MAPLE GUI.
Thank you Scott. That works. Assuming that the function definition was the correct choice. I'm not 100% sure about that, since I'm still trying to figure out how the procedure works. I hope MAPLE folks are reading this. I'm wondering - when the people at MAPLE were compiling the BesselJ routine, did they have to resort to the odd work around you came up with? If the correct answer was "remember table" would the correct keystroke sequence have been '-> return' ? One shouldn't have to resort to this sort of thing. The fact that the window asking what the user wants doesn't in fact show the choices when there is alot of code being processed is more than a minor irritant. It should be corrected. Also, there are other problems trying to compile the copied code. Several times I had to put a semicolon after an end if statement where no semi-colon was present in the output code. This is no biggee but I think MAPLE should move in the direction of making the output code compilable. I notice on this forum MAPLE has admitted that MAPLE11 is not yet VISTA compliant. Inasmuch as most new computers are sold w/ Vista installed, I would hope MAPLE is giving this matter absolutely top priority.
For some reason the full post didn’t print. Here is what it should have said… Suppose I want to know whether or not z is in the range of 1..10. Is there any way of finding this out without writing z twice, e. g. if (z>=1) and (z>=1) Is there any construction like If (z in (1..10)) ?
Jacques, thank you for your response. It seems to me that my problem would be solved if either of the following were possible... 1) One could collapse an execution group in doc block, specify they wanted the input as opposed to the output displayed, and still have an equation label created and displayed. Any way to do this? 2) One could somehow have a string like "A^%T.A = I" displayed in 2-D math form without being parsed. The then equation would simply be the string. The equation could later be referenced with the equation number and then parsed. If either of these things could be done I would be able to avoid the situation where I must type eq1:=A%T.A=I, define it in a doc block, collapse the execution group and specify that only input be displayed. Then my program must reference the equation as eq1. But this doesn't look as good as being able to use equation numbers. As a suggestion for future versions of MAPLE - allow for the creation of and display of equation labels in collapsed execution groups where only input is displayed. -Thanks
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