
1090 Reputation

9 Badges

18 years, 156 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by GeorgeJ

Alec, that's a pretty good joke, but how the heck did my post remind you of that?
I hope its not too bad a breach of protocol to reply to one’s own post, but I finally figured out how to do something in MAPLE which isn’t too obvious and which might conceivably be helpful to other MAPLE users. Suppose you have a text line to which you wish to attach an equation label, e. g. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT STATEMENT 17) You want the equation number to be a “real” equation number, that is, you want to take advantage of MAPLE’s renumbering facilities. The problem is that only outputs generate equation numbers, and there can be big problems involved in trying to get an output to be exactly like your text, especially if you have math statements embedded in it. Here’s what to do. Create a table with one row and 2 columns. Make the first column wide and the second narrow. Place your statement in the first column. In the second column place this ` `; Place the cursor somewhere in the Table and from the menu select Table/Properties. Deselect ‘show input’ and for ‘Exterior Borders’ and ‘Interior Borders’ select ‘none’. Mission Accomplished! Can anyone suggest a better way?
I'm just learning the MAPLE language. A few weeks ago I finished up a Sudoku program in VBA/Excel. It seems to work pretty well. So far I haven't seen a Sudoku it wouldn't solve. If anyone is interrested I could upload the excel program, if that sort of thing is alright in this froum.

Thanks Alex. I think I get it now. 'Digits' controls the precision in calculations, and we use 'displayprecision' for displays. I don't know what I'd do if it weren't for you folks on MAPLE PRIMES who explain things not made clear in the manual.

In playing around with this stuff, I discovered something you might find interesting, which is at the bottom of the file.

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Whenever I use restart I had been in the habit of putting it in the front of a command line
and terminating it with a colon, then writing another command. Evidently this can lead to problems sometimes. It would be helpful to have an idea of when this shouldn't be done.

> Maple Equation

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Thank you. What I'm trying to do is write a statement which includes some text and some formatted math, and then attach an equation number to that statement for later reference by the reader. The only way I have been able to accomplish that so far is to create an execution group immedeatly under the statement, input " "; and then view/collapse execution group. This has the effect of putting the line number slightly below the statement, and of course I have " " in blue in the middle of the line immedeately below the statement. I have a feeling there must be a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do. If there is I'd be grateful is someone could point me in the right direction.

Suppose I have the following statement in a text segment of my worksheet:

This is the formula Maple Equation that we have been looking for.

Suppose I wish to have this statement appear in the middle of a line, with an in sequence equation number at the right. I wish it to appear exactly as shown, e. g.

This is the formula Maple Equation that we have been looking for. 7)

In this case, I arbitrarily picked the number 7. What I really want is for the equation number to be a real equation number, so that the next time I generate an equation number in the normal way it will be one greater that whatever this one is. I would be willing to accept that the statement would be blue and in italic, although I would prefer not.

Is there any way to do this?


This post was generated using the MaplePrimes File Manager
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P.S. In the original worksheet the 7) appears at the far right but for some reason it doesn't here.
Thanks Alec. Until your post I wasn't even aware that you could use that funny little character on the extreme left of the keyboard. It turns out that `R + (V*c) mod c = R mod c` does the trick. I have another question. Suppose you want to output the expression 1/sqrt(1-(v^2/c^2)) and you want it to look as follows: There is one big fraction line, with 1 in the numerator and the sqrt symbol in the denominator. Inside the square root symbol, v and c are shown squared in the normal way (with the 2 appearing as a trailing superscript and no appearance of '^') but instead of having v-squared appearing over a horizontal line with c-squared below, you have v-squared followed by the forward slash followed by c-squared. Is there any way to get this output?
Thanks once again. I learned 3 important things from your short post. 1) the use of $ as a sequence operator 2) the expanded use of the map function and 3) the fact that the rhs of the arrow operator is not evaluated. I might have gotten 1) myself if I had thought to type ?$, but I can’t see any reason I would have thought to do this. (Actually, I now see that the Introductory Programming Guide, on pg. 187, does suggest taking a look at ?$. I think it would be helpful if the Users Manual had more on sequences, and included an example of the use of $). 2) is understandable when I closely examine the examples given in ?map, which I never thought to do. I don’t know how I would have figured out 3), except maybe I should have from the fact that my approach didn’t work. Its clear that MAPLE is a program of great subtlety and power. I can’t help wondering what’s the best way to learn . I have fallen into the approach of trying to do something and when it doesn’t work getting assistance from you helpful folks on MAPLE Primes. I don’t like to waste people’s time, but I have read through the manuals and don’t see how I would have come to know 1), 2) or 3) without some help.
William, I was just trying to work my way through the Manual. I didn't have any goal in mind at that point. However, in the mean time I have another opportunity to impose upon your helpfulness. In the file I just uploaded ( I have been trying unsuccessfully to format the text paragraph so it it lines up on the left, the way the text in the Manual does, for instance. 'Justify' under Format/Paragraph doesn't seem to do the trick. -Regards
Thank you Jacques. When I do it your way it works as intended. Actually, I started this thing to plot a family of curves and have since discovered better ways than defining an array of functions. But in order to enhance my underatanding of how MAPLE works, I would be grateful if you or someone else could find the time to explain to me why zz[k] := x -> x^3 + C[k] interprets the second k as being distinct from the first but zz[k]:=unapply(x^3+C[k],x) does not. -Thanks
Thanks Will. Unfortunately, when I clicked on the link you gave me I got the dreaded 'page no longer available' msg. I have Photoshop, which can resize images. Unfortunately, its on another computer. Oh Well, I'll solve the problam somehow. What I need is cheap or free software that can resize images.
Thank you Will. That was very helpful. I didn't know about the display command in plots and now I have looked it up and seen many examples. One final (possibly silly) question about protocol on this forum. I generally like to thank people who give me helpful advice, but the thought occurs to me that "thank you" posts may clutter the board and hence be unwelcome. Is there a general consensus on this issue? -regards
Thank you for your response. You say "The Plot Builder can give you the plot command used to generate the plot". I wonder if someone would have the time to walk me through the process of obtaining that command from the plot builder. For example, at the bottom pg. 208 of the Maple 10 User Manual we see the command used to build the plot which was created with the IPB on page 191. My question is, Suppose I had created the plot with the IPB as directed on page 191, and then wanted to know what Maple command would have directly created the plot. Is there any way I could get Maple to tell me what that command was? In other words, assuming I had used the IPB to create the plot as directed on pg. 191, is there any way I could get Maple to display the command shown as the bottom of pg. 208 without my entering that command directly?
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