
1090 Reputation

9 Badges

18 years, 166 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by GeorgeJ

I wonder if someone could explain what I'm doing wrong here.

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Hello. I am aware of the subs command. I was wondering if there is any way in Maple to use Edit/replace to change variable names. Whenever I do a search on 'II' in the following file, it takes me the the line which starts with "In this line". It seems to ignore the Math stuff. Any way around this? Second question: To get the line with the second derivative to print out the wat it did, I ended up having to use 2 sets of single quotes around the formula instead of one. I was kind of wondering why that is. -Thanks.

Maple Equation

Hello, I'm still a new user and I have been unable get MAPLE to print with a result that looks like the original MAPLE file. I know the solution is probably something simple but I can't figure out what it is. I have just uploaded 2 files; and GeorgePaper1.pdf. The latter is a file printout of the former. I'd sure appreciate it if someone could take a look at these 2 files and tell me what I'm doing wrong. -Thank you.
Hello, A few minutes ago I uploaded of file ''. which contains a question which I have for this forum. I have tried to incorporate this file into my post by clicking on the blue type which says "Upload/Use File or Worksheet" but when I click on this nothing happens. I believe this link is supposed to take me to "", but nothing happens. Perhaps this is a problem with the website which should be looked into. In the mean time, if anyone is able to get to '' and respond to the question I present in the worksheet I would be most grateful.
Hello, I wonder if someone could help me understand the best way to insert images into a MAPLE worksheet. I am using TURBOCAD to create diagrams. When I was using MATHCAD I could select any area of the TURBOCAD worksheet, copy it, go into a MATHCAD worksheet and paste. While this proceedure has some problems, in general I could work around them and it worked pretty well. I have tried the same thing in MAPLE and it doesn't work very well, as indicated by the worksheet I have uploaded with this post, 'GeorgeWorksheet1'. What seems to be happening is that I get an extremely low-res copy which is useless. So I tried another approach. TURBOCAD has the ability to save a JPEG image of a worksheet, so I saved my TURBOCAD worksheet as 'F1.jpg' (which I have also uploaded). I then insert this file into a MAPLE worksheet using the using the Insert/Image command. This is the second image in my MAPLE uploaded worksheet, 'GeorgeWorksheet1'.This works better, but the image takes up alot of space on the MAPLE worksheet. The problem is, when I try to contract this image by clicking on it and grabbing the little thingies on the side of the frame and moving them, I am able to decrease the size of the image but in doing so I loose so much resolution as to make the image useless.
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