
232 Reputation

8 Badges

7 years, 159 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Gillee

Hi Maple Users,

Microsoft is enticing me to upgrade to Windows 11 from 10 for free. I am a bit hesitant because I don't know if Maple 2021 will continue working as well as in Windows 10. Does anyone have any thoughts or wisdom to share.

Thank you.


Is there a way to change the font type and size when printing a table of data using DocumentTools:-Tabulate? Also can I change the column width?


I was wondering why each time solve is executed, I get a different of number of solutions and can I specify the number of solutions?


Thanks so much for taking time to answering this question.


Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/ .

I don't way the above error happened. But here is my worksheet below.



How do I setup solve to find only the real and imaginary part of Zeta to be both positive and the real part of Zeta to be the smallest positive value? For example: real part = 1.348412872 and imaginary part = 0.04230725448.

Acceleration ratio (db) and phase (deg). Convert ratio to linear and phase to radian. 
dat := <14.52407334|-162.1310124>:
A := 10^(dat[1]/20.):
phi := dat[2]*Pi/180.:
R:= 0.3036:
Characteristic equation Eqn 5
f := (Zeta,A,phi) -> cos(Zeta) - R * Zeta * sin(Zeta) - exp(-phi * I)/A:

soln := [solve(f(Zeta,A,phi), Zeta)]:


I was applying the Grip Map to the procedure LArip. It apparently finished in less than 5 seconds. But when I wanted to display the results as an Array, this step required minutes. How can this time be reduced? Here is a piece of the code:

n := 8;
r := 2^n;
M := Vector(r, randperm(r) + [-seq(1, i = 1 .. r)], datatype = integer[4]);

LArip := proc(k::integer, r::integer, M::Vector(datatype = integer[4]))
local N, j, t, i, A;
N := Vector(r, 0); A := Vector(r, 0);
i := k - 1;
for j from 0 to r - 1 do
for t from 0 to r - 1 do
N[t + 1] := Occurrences(1, Split(Xor(And(t, i), And(M[t + 1], j)))) mod 2;
end do;
A[j + 1] := Occurrences(0, convert(N[], list));
end do;
return convert(A, list);
end proc;

infolevel[Grid:-Map] := 3;
rt := time[real]();
Bb := Grid:-Map(k -> LArip(k, r, M), [$ (1 .. r)]);
GridMapTime := time[real]() - rt;

The worksheet is here:

Thank you for your help.

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