
40 Reputation

5 Badges

12 years, 105 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by JAnd

I have 3 column vectors:

phi contains the number of radians from the North Pole

theta contains the number of radians from the Greenwich meridian

D contains number data corresponding to the point (phi,theta) on the sphere.


How do I plot:

a) a contour plot on the surface of the sphere where each point at (phi, theta) has a corresponding data value D?

b) a plot where the height above the surface at (phi, theta) is some linear function of D such as radius*D*constant?

Level: Idiot (Me)

I have a matrix of 3 columns and lots of rows M

  • First column is latitude in degrees
  • Second column is longitude in degrees
  • Third column is data

So I set lambda:=M(..,1) and phi_g:=M(..,2) giving me two column vectors.

I want to convert lambda and phi_g to polar coordinates theta and phi

theta:=90-lambda produces "Error, (in rtable/Sum) invalid arguments"


I also want to convert phi_g to phi where phi=phi_g when phi_g is 0...180 and phi=phi_g +360 when phi_g <0

How do I create a conditional function like this?

I have a table of data arranged in the following columns: Year, Jan, Feb, Mar,..,Dec in Excel or csv

I would like to import this data into a time series in Maple so I can plot the result.

What is the simplest way of doing this?



Is there a way of importing data in NetCDF format into Maple 15? This format is very widely used in atmospheric sciences as a data standard for experimental data such as satellite-derived data.


I have a vector containing data which is m*n long (ie from 1...(m*n)) and I want to convert it to a matrix of m columns and n rows.

What's the quickest and most efficient way in Maple to do this?

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