John Fredsted

2243 Reputation

15 Badges

19 years, 266 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by John Fredsted

This is strictly speaking not answering your question, but you may do as follows:

number := (x::posint) -> floor(log10(x) + 1):

You can use delayed evaluation:

'A' = A,'B' = B,'C' = C,'E' = E;

There is no need to explicitly define either the spacetime dimension or the metric, as the ones you choose are the default ones. I think you code can thus be simplified to

Define(nn[mu] = Vector([1,0,0,0]),k[mu],quiet):

Somewhat a variation on Kitonum's theme, using select and remove:

s,r := selectremove(z -> has(z,x) and has(z,y),expr):

As Joe Riel has already pointed out, the result is correct. What you need to do is simply to interchange the two print statements, for the statement corresponding to the then-clause is by definition the one being executed if the boolean expression (in your case a > b) evaluates to true.

By defining an auxiliary type, T say, you can transform the expression using evalindets. Below an example with more than one parameter which is not to be included in the combine operation:

expr :=
   -cos(beta) *(sin(theta1)*sin(theta)+cos(theta1)*cos(theta));
`type/T` := x -> not has(x,{alpha,beta}):   # alpha and beta not to be included

Perhaps the following is of interest to you:

sol := solve({x+y+z=1,x-y+3*z=7}):
lhs~(select(lhs = rhs,sol));   # The set of free parameters in sol

Update/warning: The output below results when the dimension and signature, respectively, are chosen as 3 and `+++`. This, of course, makes little sense, as the dimensionality is four; yesterday I obviously forgot to delete or uncomment these lines in my worksheet after having played around a bit. The difference in output disappears (including the issue of covariant/contravariant pairs) if these assignments are not made, and thus this post of mine seems to become quite vacuous. I became aware of this a moment ago when updating the Physics-package due to Edgardo's post, in order to check the triply contracted expression of illuminates.

I would prefer to have contracted pairs of indices to be properly covariant/contravariant pairs. And, in fact, it seems to make a difference [your expression is expr, mine with the properly matching indices is expr_]:

expr := LeviCivita[4,sigma,lambda,rho]*LeviCivita[4,xi,eta,mu]*g_[ rho, mu]*qp[ sigma]*q[ lambda]*qp[ xi]*q[ eta];
expr_:= LeviCivita[4,sigma,lambda,rho]*LeviCivita[4,xi,eta,mu]*g_[~rho,~mu]*qp[~sigma]*q[~lambda]*qp[~xi]*q[~eta];
Simplify(expr );
SumOverRepeatedIndices(expr );

But this state of affairs is not reassuring, I think. Checking the two expressions with Physics:-Check does not raise any warning:

Check(expr );

`The repeated and free indices in the given expression check ok.`
`The repeated and free indices in the given expression check ok.`

I think the following will do the trick:

Settings(typesetdot = true):

But, coming to think of it, perhaps it is not available in Maple 18?

Here is one way of doing it:

de  := diff(1/r(phi),phi$2) + 1/r(phi) - G*M/h^2;
sol := dsolve({de,r(0)= 2/3,D(r)(0) = 0});
   M = 1,
   G = 1,
   h = 1
}),phi,phi = 0..2*Pi]);

If I understand your flowchart correctly, I would do something as follows:

for i from 1 by 1 while i <= 330 and max(Q) > 0 do
end do;
if i <= 330 then print(Solution)   # While loop terminated due to max(Q) <= 0
elif max(Q) > 0 then print(NFS)
else print(Cycling)
end if:

PS: Note that the above code will only run if proper values have been assigned to Q, etc.

This is probably not what you have in mind, but I would like to mention the socalled jet notation:


Using applyop, as you suggest, in combination with numer and denom:

applyop(x -> expand(x/denom(a)),3,numer(a));

Applying some assumptions [I have no idea whether these assumptions are actually valid in your case]:

simplify(original) assuming beta::positive,L__1::positive;

If P as well is assumed positive, then the following expression results:

A somewhat simplistic approach:

P := product(exp(1/i),i = 1..n);
for j from 1 to 60 do
   expr := evalf(eval(P,n = j));
   if expr > 100 then print(j,expr) end if;
end do:

It shows that the smallest value is n = 56.

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