John Fredsted

2243 Reputation

15 Badges

20 years, 31 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by John Fredsted

@Carl Love: Thanks, now the caption looks pretty:

PS: As you probably can tell from the present thread, I have only little experience with plotting, and I have never before used typesetting.

@Daniel Skoog: Thanks, but I think you have misunderstood me. It is the text below the plot that I refer to, the text generated using the plot-option 'caption'.

@Daniel Skoog: Thanks for that tip. Annotations may prove valuable, I guess, if there are many points, in order to avoid cluttering the plot.

By the way, although a different question, how can I make the y^2 and x^3 in the caption of my update-plot, see top, appear with properly raised exponents, as they do in your plot when moving the cursor over the curve?

@Kitonum: Thanks for your answer, but it seems you have misunderstood me. What I want is the names in the plot itself, compare the above answer by Mariusz Iwaniuk.

Ups, I suddenly notice the last line of yours, where you do refer to textplot.

Update: I can see that you have updated your post. Thanks for your provided suggestion. An idea: Instead of your seq-construction in textplot, you/we could use

zip((x,y) -> [x[],y],Points,Labels);

which needs no specification of the number of points.

@Mariusz Iwaniuk: Spot on, thanks a lot.

@emendes: Perhaps you are using myTranspose(expr) rather than myTranspose(M)? Just to throw you of track (only kidding), I changed the name of the matrix from expr to M.

@emendes: Generally you can have any m x n matrix, as long as you use T as a formal placeholder for Transpose. If you do not like the use of T, then that can of course be changed by appropiately redefining it in the function mySubTranspose. Just for the fun of it, here an example with a 4 x 3 matrix:

M := Matrix([
   [A + T(B),C . E . H,3*T(A)],
   [T(F) + B,E . F,5*I*G + H ],
   [A + T(B),C . E . G,-2*B  ],
   [I*C + T(C),4*A . E,2*T(G)]

@Carl Love: Initially I made the same mistake, thus realizing I had to add an algsubs.

@Carl Love: With your suggestion, the argument of the exponent does not become -a*t. So I would suggest the following compromise :-) :

algsubs(n*w = a,simplify(sol,{a = n*w,p = m*w^2*u}));

@tsunamiBTP: Happy to hear that.

@acer: I don't think that I agree with you on your first paragraph, at least not fully, as I believe Maple-novices do not think in terms of constructors, at least I didn't several years ago. Although the angle-bracket notation is unquestionably more unified than a lot of commands, it is also more abstract, and that, I think, is seldomly conducive for the understanding for someone new to any field. But then again, one might as well learn the right way of doing things from the start.

PS: Perhaps embarrasing to say, but I have actually never before visited the second link (or corresponding help page in Maple itself) that you provide.

@Kitonum: Thanks for these pointers, some constructions of which are actually somewhat new to me. My point, though, was more why Maplesoft has not opted for some simple to use commands for doing these insertion jobs, as a service to novice-users of Maple (a group to which I hope I am no longer considered belonging to, said in all modesty). But, of course, this question should not be addressed to you, but to Maplesoft.

I have never used email notification. Rather I just bookmark the relatively few threads that I am at anyone time engaged in, and then check the pages regularly. Perhaps a little bit cumbersome, but quite foolproof :-).

@Kitonum: Looking at the help pages, I am surprised to find that there is no counterparts to DeleteRow and DeleteColumn; or am I mistaken? Why not, I ask myself. Although your solution does indeed work, I think that the constructions for A1 and A2 are not for the novice; here, the aforementioned 'counterpart-commands' would have been helpful, I think.

@vv: Very concise, thumbs up.

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