John May

Dr. John May

2771 Reputation

18 Badges

17 years, 91 days
Pasadena, California, United States

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Maple Application Center
I have been a part of the Mathematical Software Group at Maplesoft since 2007. I have a Ph.D in Mathematics from North Carolina State University as well as Masters and Bachelors degrees from the University of Oregon. I have been working on research in computational mathematics since 1997. I currently work on symbolic solvers and visualization as well as other subsystems of Maple.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by John May

A slightly simpler solution than the one Acer proposes would be to use the parametric sytem tool added to SolveTools in Maple 14:

sol := SolveTools:-PolynomialSystem( {a*b^2-b+c-d-3, a^3*b^2-b+c-d^3+4, 
    a^4+b^3-b^2+c-d+2, 2*a*b^2-b+c-d-1-X}, {a,b,c,d}, domain=parametric);

sol[1] will be a (large) generic solution in terms of X. while sol[2] is a condition on X which must hold for the sol[1] to be a valid solution. In this case:

(X^4-8*X^3+24*X^2-33*X+20)*(X^4-8*X^3+24*X^2-33*X+24)*(X-2) <> 0

sscanf will do the job too, it just happens to return a list, since it can extract multiple values from a string:

(**) sscanf("0.02","%f");
#                                    [0.02]

(**) x := sscanf("0.02","%f")[1]; # x := 0.02
(**) (x,y) := sscanf("0.02, 0.03", "%f, %f")[]; # x, y := 0.02, 0.03

The bitwise Xor in the ?Bits package will complain if you don't give it integers.  One solution would be to use the neutral operator &xor and then do a substitution when you are ready to evaluate:

(**) expr := (a1*b0) &xor (a0*b1);
#                           expr := a1 b0 &xor a0 b1

(**) expr2 := eval(expr, {a0=1,a1=32,b0=2,b1=43});
#                              expr2 := 64 &xor 43

(**) eval(expr2, `&xor` = Bits:-Xor);             
#                                      107

This form has the advantage that it can be manipulated by the ?Logic package as well (if that even makes sense for your application.

(**) Logic:-Normalize(expr);
#             (a0 b1 ∧ ¬(a1 b0)) ∨ (a1 b0 ∧ ¬(a0 b1))

The ?GF package will allow you to compute over GF(p^k):

(**)G16 := GF(2,4);
                        G16 := Z[2] [T] / <T  + T + 1>

(**)a := G16:-PrimitiveElement();
                                a := 1 + T + T

(**)b := G16:-random();
                                  b := T + T

                                       2    3
                                  1 + T  + T

                                         2    3
                                1 + T + T  + T

Rather than converting your Maple to Latex, I suspect you probably want to include your 1-D source using something like the listings package for Latex. While that package does not explicitly support Maple code, it can probably be made to work well enough using one of the other language modes.

I wouldn't call this using gauges "in reverse" since many of these components are designed to display values rather that set them. Casual inspection suggests that virtually every Gauge Component help page has an example of doing just that. e.g. ?VolumeGaugeComponent has an example of a volume gauge and dial gauge that update each other.

Here is a good post on mapleprimes explaining how to set up a continually updating component as well. Here is an example doing it with a meter:

When you invoke the plot builder from the menu, it calls the Maple command ?plots,interactive.  That piece of information together with the ?showstat command should lead you to the answer with a little elbow grease.

Putting aside discussion on what code is completely optimal, for the most part, there is very little overhead in doing add versus a loop, as long as you are doing numeric operations and not building a symbolic sum like a polynomial (in which case 'add' always wins).

The following are all in Maple 14 in 64bit Linux.


(**) restart; 
(**) f:=proc(n) local x,i; x:=0; for i from 1 to n do x:=x+(i-1)*0.123^(i-1); end do; return x end proc:
(**) CodeTools:-Usage( f(10e5) );                                           
#memory used=2.92GiB, alloc change=64.49MiB, cpu time=26.51s, real time=26.77s
#                                 0.1599211576

(**) restart;
(**) CodeTools:-Usage( add( (i-1)*0.123^(i-1), i=1..10e5) );
#memory used=2.86GiB, alloc change=63.99MiB, cpu time=25.64s, real time=25.71s
#                                 0.1599211576

However, in cases like this, a lot of speed can be gained by using hardware floating point arithmetic instead of Maple's software floats. You can introduce ?HFloat objects in the constants, and then all arithmetic will be hardware float arithmetic by contagion rules:

(**) CodeTools:-Usage( add( (i-1)*HFloat(0.123)^(i-1), i=1..10e5) );
#memory used=96.55MiB, alloc change=75.24MiB, cpu time=1.26s, real time=1.31s
#                               0.159921157569146
(**) restart; 
(**) f:=proc(n) local x,i; x:=HFloat(0.); for i from 1 to n do x:=x+(i-1)*HFloat(0.123)^(i-1); end do; return x end proc;
(**) CodeTools:-Usage( f(10e5) );
#memory used=175.48MiB, alloc change=75.99MiB, cpu time=2.07s, real time=2.08s
#                               0.159921157569146

The ?evalhf command generally even faster than using hfloats, but it is very restrictive. It works very well for this simple case, however

(**) CodeTools:-Usage( evalhf( add( (i-1)*0.123^(i-1), i=1..10e5) ) );
#memory used=0.93KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0.38s, real time=0.38s
#                             0.159921157569146349

(**) restart;
(**) f:=proc(n) local x,i; x:=0; for i from 1 to n do x:=x+(i-1)*0.123^(i-1); end do; return x end proc:
(**) CodeTools:-Usage( evalhf( f(10e5) ) );  
#memory used=0.57KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0.42s, real time=0.43s
#                             0.159921157569146349

Take a look at ?LinearAlgebra,Column that is probably the most straightforward approach.  Another option is the 'list' output form of ?LinearAlgebra,Eigenvectors


(**) B := <<1,2,3>|<2,4,6>|<5,10,15>>:
(**) LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvectors(B, output='list');

#                            [-5]  [-2]             [1/3]
#                            [  ]  [  ]             [   ]
#                   [[0, 2, {[ 0], [ 1]}], [20, 1, {[2/3]}]]
#                            [  ]  [  ]             [   ]
#                            [ 1]  [ 0]             [ 1 ]

This gives you a list of eigenvalue, multiplicity, and a set of eigenvectors


The parse command doesn't work the way you are trying to use it. Take a look at the help for ?parse

The parse command takes a Maple string and parses the string as if it had been entered [as 1-D input.]

The string must consist of exactly one Maple expression. The expression is parsed, and returned unevaluated.

You need to manipulate your strings further so that they each have only one expression.  However, for a case like this you are probably better off using ?sscanf

(**) sscanf("1 -2 A.6","%d%d%s");
# [1, -2, "A.6"]

Go to the Tools > Options... menu, and make these two changes:

Display > Input Style = Maple Notation

Interface > Default format for new worksheets = Worksheet

and then hit "Apply Globally".  This will give you classic like defaults in all your new worksheets.



The function ?RootOf is a place holder for representing all the roots of an equation in one variable. Your RootOf answers represent solutions to quadratic polynomial equations, so you can have them rewritten in terms of radicals using the command ?allvalues

If you are going to specialize the parameters v1, v2, and v3 at particular values, you are probably best off doing that before calling allvalues on the answer.  You can also give the 'explicit' option to ?solve to do this as well.


(**) foo:=w1 = RootOf(( v1^2+v2^2+v3^2)*_Z^2-1,label=_L3)*w*v1;
                              2     2     2    2
        foo := w1 = RootOf((v1  + v2  + v3 ) _Z  - 1, label = _L3) w v1

(**) eval(foo, {v1=2, v2=1, v3=-1});
                    w1 = 2 RootOf(6 _Z  - 1, label = _L3) w

(**) bar := eval(foo, {v1=2, v2=1, v3=-1});
                bar := w1 = 2 RootOf(6 _Z  - 1, label = _L3) w

(**) allvalues(bar);
                                1/2            1/2
                               6    w         6    w
                          w1 = ------, w1 = - ------
                                 3              3

(**) allvalues(foo); # works too



Since A is an exact, integer, matrix,

S := SingularValues(A, output=['list']);

gives exact expressions for the singular values, and in particular, does not sort them, so you need to construct the diagonal matrix with a different order:

Sig := DiagonalMatrix([S[2], S[4], S[3]], 4, 3);


Alternately, you could sort S by numerical value:

S := sort(S, (x,y)-> Re(evalf(x)) > Re(evalf(y)));


You should put the line "with(plots);" at the top of the worksheet so that pointplot gets called properly. To double check, end the line with a semi-colon: 


and make sure the output is a plot structure. It should display as  "pp:=PLOT(...)"


Take a look at ?GreekLetters for more information on this behavior.  Each of the Greek letters is actually equivalent to a maple name as shown in the chart in that help page (i.e. you can't prevent this behavior).  Your best option owuld be to use `XI` or `xI` instead or a literal subscript: `x` ctrl-_ `i`  (or  explicitly: `#msub(mi("x"),mi("i"))`).

If you don't mind the confusion sure to result, you could use the name ` xi` which will display as " xi".  Or you could use the name `&xi;` which will display as the Greek letter, but is distinct from the name `xi`.  I wouldn't recommend doing either of those things.



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