John May

Dr. John May

2616 Reputation

18 Badges

17 years, 5 days
Pasadena, California, United States

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I have been a part of the Mathematical Software Group at Maplesoft since 2007. I have a Ph.D in Mathematics from North Carolina State University as well as Masters and Bachelors degrees from the University of Oregon. I have been working on research in computational mathematics since 1997. I currently work on symbolic solvers and visualization as well as other subsystems of Maple.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by John May

In the 2005 Top 3: Jordan was male 72% of the time (it is a near miss on my list). Alexis was female 80% of the time, and Angel was male 82% of the time.


This chart uses a looser definition of "unisex" than I use.


You don't really need the environment variables for the solve call.   I prefer to avoid using them when possible.

Two options:

# Explicit as a option to solve:

solve({e1,e2,e3},{x,y,a}, Explicit);

# Map allvalues over the solution:

map(allvalues, [solve({e1,e2,e3})]);

The _EnvAllSolutions only really affects equations with an infinite number of solutions, so it doesn't have any effect on this system.


You don't really need the environment variables for the solve call.   I prefer to avoid using them when possible.

Two options:

# Explicit as a option to solve:

solve({e1,e2,e3},{x,y,a}, Explicit);

# Map allvalues over the solution:

map(allvalues, [solve({e1,e2,e3})]);

The _EnvAllSolutions only really affects equations with an infinite number of solutions, so it doesn't have any effect on this system.


I guess this is more what was intended:

 for i from 1 to 5 do cat(`f_`,i) := unapply(i,x); end do;


I guess this is more what was intended:

 for i from 1 to 5 do cat(`f_`,i) := unapply(i,x); end do;


The problem with not specifying variables, rather than specifying them all as a list (with variables first) is that you will get parameters solved in terms of variables. 

{Pi00 = p2 + p6, Pi01 = 1 - p2 - sigma01 - sigma00 - p6, Pi10 = p6,
    Pi11 = 1 - p6 - sigma11 - sigma10,
    p0 = 1 - p1 - p2 - sigma01 - sigma00 - p6, p1 = p1, p10 = -p11 + sigma10,
    p11 = p11, p2 = p2, p3 = 0, p4 = sigma01 - sigma11 - sigma10 + sigma00,
    p5 = 0, p6 = p6, p7 = 0, p8 = sigma01, p9 = -sigma01 + sigma11,
    sigma00 = sigma00, sigma01 = sigma01, sigma10 = sigma10, sigma11 = sigma11

While with a list, some of the solvers try to respect the variable order. In this case that works (as below) even if it does not work in every case.


The problem with not specifying variables, rather than specifying them all as a list (with variables first) is that you will get parameters solved in terms of variables. 

{Pi00 = p2 + p6, Pi01 = 1 - p2 - sigma01 - sigma00 - p6, Pi10 = p6,
    Pi11 = 1 - p6 - sigma11 - sigma10,
    p0 = 1 - p1 - p2 - sigma01 - sigma00 - p6, p1 = p1, p10 = -p11 + sigma10,
    p11 = p11, p2 = p2, p3 = 0, p4 = sigma01 - sigma11 - sigma10 + sigma00,
    p5 = 0, p6 = p6, p7 = 0, p8 = sigma01, p9 = -sigma01 + sigma11,
    sigma00 = sigma00, sigma01 = sigma01, sigma10 = sigma10, sigma11 = sigma11

While with a list, some of the solvers try to respect the variable order. In this case that works (as below) even if it does not work in every case.


Take a look at:

Under Macintosh®, it says "10.4.5 or later" so 10.5.5 is supported.


convert/base basically just calls irem in a loop, so it is definitely better than my function if you want to compute all the digits. 

If you just want one digit, computing it directly is probably a better than convert/base.  Especially for large integers.


convert/base basically just calls irem in a loop, so it is definitely better than my function if you want to compute all the digits. 

If you just want one digit, computing it directly is probably a better than convert/base.  Especially for large integers.


Thanks Dave. Here is a first pass


for var in "$@"
# replace with your maple
/usr/local/maple12/bin/maple -q -s <<__EOM__



#!/usr/bin/env maple

printf("This is an example of using Maple for scripts\n");

This is okay for "./script foo bar" and should be right for "./script 'foo bar'" too


An example might be choosing the the vertex of a parabola as parameters. Least squares can't fit to a and b directly:

y = (x-a)^2 + b

since the fitting equations will depend on a non-linearly. For each point on the parabola e.g. (x,y)=(-1,1) you get a quadratic equation like 1 = (a+1)^2+b.  Least squares only works on a set of linear equations.

solve does not do any numeric root finding.  If you give it a polynomial with floating point coefficient, it will convert them to complex rational numbers and compute exact representations of the roots.  Before returning the answer, it will call evalf on them so that you get floating point answers.

In the case of exact polynomials solve will factor: f(x)=g(x)*h(x) and decompose: f(x) = g(h(x)) to get polynomials of smallest degree possible.  It will then try to compute roots in terms of radicals for degrees 3 and less (or 4 and less if you use the Explicit option) and some other simple cases.  If it cannot compute the root in terms of radicals, it will return the root in RootOf representation. 

When evalf is called on a RootOf structure, it calls fsolve to numerically compute a value for the root.  fsolve uses the global root finder in RootFinding:-Isolate for real polynomials if I recall correctly and the algorithms it uses are described in the papers at the bottom of its help page.


If you are using Maple 12, a double integral can be entered in 1D input as a single call to int:

int(1/x, [x = y..1, y = 0..1]);


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