John May

Dr. John May

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18 Badges

17 years, 162 days
Pasadena, California, United States

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Maple Application Center
I have been a part of the Mathematical Software Group at Maplesoft since 2007. I have a Ph.D in Mathematics from North Carolina State University as well as Masters and Bachelors degrees from the University of Oregon. I have been working on research in computational mathematics since 1997. I currently work on symbolic solvers and visualization as well as other subsystems of Maple.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by John May

@Joe Riel Nice.  I had originally started with a seq using =, but removing the assignment to p was needed to really make it work.

@Alec Mihailovs Perhaps you meant:

(**) a := 5*x^2-4*x+3: hh := v^x*a+v^x: collect(hh,[v,x]);
                               x  2      x        x
                            5 v  x  - 4 v  x + 4 v

Putting two names in the calling sequence for ?collect treats the second as a post-processing procedure:

(**) a := 5*x^2-4*x+3: hh := v^x*a+v^x: collect(hh,v,cos);
                              x     2               x
                        cos( v  (5 x  - 4 x + 3) + v  )

If you hunger for a bigger challenge, here is a new version of the quiz which allows 4 choices:

@acer According to Wikipedia the color Navaho White refers to the background color of the Navajo Nation flag.  Of course, Wikipedia also claims that the X11 Color name Indian Red is named after the red laterite soil found in India.  Crayola, at least, decdided that the later might be racially insensitive and now calls it "Chestnut".

@acer The Minecraft .schematic format is a gzip file.  While Maple has ?StringTools,Compress that uses zlib, that stream compression format has different headers than a gzip file.  While trying to modify the output of Compress to have the right headers, I remembered Alec's post, and realized that zlib could read and write gzip files directly, and so I adapted his code to use Maple's installed zlib (and to work on non-windows 32 platforms).

As for the voxelization code, it should be relatively easy to pull out and modify, but it is fairly raw, and it could use a lot of polishing.

@hirnyk ?opaquemodules brings up the kernelopts help page which does describe the option:

Specifies whether local members of a module are accessible outside the module. Setting this to false makes it easier to debug code that uses modules. The default value is true.

@hirnyk ?opaquemodules brings up the kernelopts help page which does describe the option:

Specifies whether local members of a module are accessible outside the module. Setting this to false makes it easier to debug code that uses modules. The default value is true.

@Axel Vogt  It would be pretty easy to modify this worksheet to track and graph multiple variables ?plots,dualaxisplot might do a nice job if you were tracking things on two different scales like weight and hip measure.

@pagan That is exactly what it means.  It is like a cross between an auto-execute region (?worksheet/documenting/setautoexec) and a ?MathExpressionComponent in that you can change it and your changes get saved between sessions and restarts. That makes it perfect for this sort application where you are tracking data over time.

@hirnyk We hope to tape the invited speakers, and to post those videos some time after the conference.  We may also be able to post the abstracts from the poster session as well.

@hirnyk Abstracts from all of the contributed posters and software demonstrations will be published in the ACM Communications in Computer Algebra which is available online to SIGSAM member or ACM Digital library subscribers.

While a semantic quibble, I want to add that it is not actually possible to remove elements from a list; lists are immutable and cannot be changed.  What is possible is to create a new list that lacks specified elements. It is an important distinction if your code needs to scale up to large applications.

I would not recommend using Maple's goto.  It is not documented and none of the code shipped with Maple uses it for a very good reason: it is very inefficient.

I would not recommend using Maple's goto.  It is not documented and none of the code shipped with Maple uses it for a very good reason: it is very inefficient.

@MySchizoBuddy Support for CUDA was added in Maple 14.  See ?CUDA for the details.

@Christopher2222 It is not ragged because of implicitplot, it is ragged due to undersampling the range in question.  That is, since no range is specified, you are zooming in on this:

plots:-display(plot(x^3-4*x),plot(x^3-4*x, style=point))

which results in:
plots:-display(plot(x^3-4*x), view=[-5..5,-5..5]);

plots:-display(plot(x^3-4*x), plot(x^3-4*x,style=point), view=[-5..5,-5..5])

Which can be remedied by giving a range:

plots:-display(plot(x^3-4*x,x=-3..3), view=[-5..5,-5..5]);

plots:-display(plot(x^3-4*x,x=-3..3),plot(x^3-4*x,x=-3..3,style=point), view=[-5..5,-5..5])

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